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La parola weight è una parola straniera

28 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • weight n. The force on an object due to the gravitational attraction…
  • weight n. An object used to make something heavier.
  • weight n. A standardized block of metal used in a balance to measure…
  • weight n. Importance or influence.
  • weight n. (Weightlifting) An object, such as a weight plate or barbell…
  • weight n. (Lubricants) viscosity rating.
  • weight n. (Physics) Mass (Atomic weight, molecular weight, etc.) (in…
  • weight n. (Physics, proscribed) Synonym of mass (in general circumstances).
  • weight n. (Measurement) Mass (Net weight, troy weight, carat weight, etc.).
  • weight n. (Statistics) A variable which multiplies a value for ease…
  • weight n. (Topology) The smallest cardinality of a base.
  • weight n. (Typography) The boldness of a font; the relative thickness of its strokes.
  • weight n. (Visual art) The relative thickness of a drawn rule or painted…
  • weight n. (Visual art) The illusion of mass.
  • weight n. (Visual art) The thickness and opacity of paint.
  • weight n. Pressure; burden.
  • weight n. The resistance against which a machine acts, as opposed to…
  • weight n. (Slang, uncountable) Shipments of (often illegal) drugs.
  • weight n. (Slang, countable) One pound of drugs, especially cannabis.
  • weight n. (Criminal slang, dated) Money.
  • weight n. Weight class.
  • weight v. (Transitive) To add weight to something; to make something heavier.
  • weight v. (Transitive) To load, burden or oppress someone.
  • weight v. (Transitive, mathematics) To assign weights to individual statistics.
  • weight v. (Transitive) To bias something; to slant.
  • weight v. (Transitive, horse racing) To handicap a horse with a specified weight.
  • weight v. (Transitive, sports) To give a certain amount of force to…
  • Weight prop.n. A surname.
12 parole italiane da 28 definizioni straniere

and base bias cannabis due font handicap metal rating slang the Transitive

111 parole straniere da 28 definizioni straniere

acts add against amount art as␣opposed␣to assign Atomic Atomic␣weight attraction balance barbell block boldness burden carat cardinality certain circumstances class countable Criminal dated drawn drugs due␣to ease especially etc for force general give gravitational heavier horse horse␣racing illegal illusion Importance individual influence in␣general its load Lubricants machine make mass mathematics measure Measurement molecular molecular␣weight Money multiplies Net Net␣weight object of␣a often One opacity opposed oppress paint painted Physics plate pound Pressure proscribed racing relative resistance rule Shipments slant smallest someone something specified sports standardized statistics strokes such such␣as surname Synonym thickness Topology to␣the troy troy␣weight Typography uncountable used used␣to value variable viscosity Visual Visual␣art weight Weight␣class Weightlifting weight␣plate weights which with

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