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La parola thunk è una parola straniera

8 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • thunk v. (Humorous, nonstandard) past participle of think.
  • thunk interj. Representing the dull sound of the impact of a heavy…
  • thunk v. To strike against something, without breakage, making a "thunk" sound.
  • thunk n. (Computing, functional programming) A delayed computation.
  • thunk n. (Computing) In the Scheme programming language, a function…
  • thunk n. (Computing) A specialized subroutine that one software module…
  • thunk v. (Computing, functional programming, transitive) To delay (a computation).
  • thunk v. (Computing, transitive) To execute (code) by means of a thunk.
4 parole italiane da 8 definizioni straniere

software sound the transitive

39 parole straniere da 8 definizioni straniere

against breakage by␣means␣of code computation Computing delay delayed dull execute function functional functional␣programming heavy Humorous impact language making means module nonstandard of␣a one participle past past␣participle programming programming␣language Representing Scheme something specialized strike subroutine that that␣one think thunk without

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