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La parola thunderbird è una parola straniera

7 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • thunderbird n.m. (Fantastique) (Anglicisme) Oiseau-tonnerre.
— In inglese —
  • thunderbird n. (Mythology) A mythological bird, often associated with stormy…
  • thunderbird n. The golden whistler, an Australian insectivorous songbird…
  • Thunderbird n. Alternative letter-case form of thunderbird.
  • Thunderbird n. (UK, rail transport) A locomotive stored at a strategic point…
  • Thunderbird prop.n. (Computing) Mozilla Thunderbird.
  • Thunderbird prop.n. (US, automotive) Ford Thunderbird.
5 parole italiane da 7 definizioni straniere

Alternative automotive case locomotive The

30 parole straniere da 7 definizioni straniere

Anglicisme associated Australian bird Computing Fantastique Ford form golden golden␣whistler insectivorous letter letter␣case mythological Mythology often Oiseau Oiseau-tonnerre point rail rail␣transport songbird stored stormy strategic thunderbird tonnerre transport whistler with

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