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La parola throwin è una parola straniera

10 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • throw-in n. (Soccer, rugby, basketball, handball) A set-piece where the…
  • throw-in n. (Australian rules football) A throw of the ball back into…
  • throw-in n. (Ireland) the start time of a Gaelic football match, comparable…
  • throw-in n. An extra item added free of charge; a product that is thrown…
  • throwin' v. Pronunciation spelling of throwing.
  • throw␣in n. Alternative form of throw-in.
  • throw␣in v. (Transitive, informal) To add something extra free of charge.
  • throw␣in v. (Transitive, informal) To include in a calculation.
  • throw␣in v. (Idiomatic) To quit, to fold. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
  • throw␣in v. (Transitive, archaic) To inject, as a fluid.
14 parole italiane da 10 definizioni straniere

Alternative extra football free include item match piece rugby set Soccer spelling the Transitive

47 parole straniere da 10 definizioni straniere

add added archaic Australian Australian␣rules back back␣into ball basketball calculation Can charge comparable example fluid fold football␣match for form free␣of␣charge Gaelic Gaelic␣football handball Idiomatic informal inject into Ireland of␣a product Pronunciation Pronunciation␣spelling quit rules sense set␣piece something start that that␣is this throw throw␣in throwing thrown time where

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