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La parola thickset è una parola straniera

6 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • thickset adj. Having a relatively short, heavy build.
  • thickset adj. Densely crowded together; made up of things that are densely…
  • thickset adj. Densely covered (with something).
  • thickset n. (Countable, obsolete) A thick hedge.
  • thickset n. (Uncountable, historical) A stout, twilled cotton cloth;…
  • thickset n. (Countable, historical) A piece of clothing made from this fabric.
3 parole italiane da 6 definizioni straniere

are obsolete piece

29 parole straniere da 6 definizioni straniere

build cloth clothing cotton Countable covered crowded densely fabric from Having heavy hedge historical made made␣up piece␣of␣clothing relatively short something stout that thick things this together twilled Uncountable with

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