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La parola swerve è una parola straniera

11 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • swerve v. (Archaic) To stray; to wander; to rove.
  • swerve v. To go out of a straight line; to deflect.
  • swerve v. To wander from any line prescribed, or from a rule or duty;…
  • swerve v. To bend; to incline; to give way.
  • swerve v. To climb or move upward by winding or turning.
  • swerve v. To turn aside or deviate to avoid impact.
  • swerve v. Of a projectile, to travel in a curved line.
  • swerve v. To drive in the trajectory of another vehicle to stop it, to cut off.
  • swerve v. (Transitive, slang) To go out of one’s way to avoid; to snub.
  • swerve n. A sudden movement out of a straight line, for example to avoid a collision.
  • swerve n. A deviation from duty or custom.
7 parole italiane da 11 definizioni straniere

deviate drive incline slang stop the Transitive

52 parole straniere da 11 definizioni straniere

another any Archaic aside avoid bend climb collision curved custom cut cut␣off deflect deviation drive␣in duty example for for␣example from give give␣way go␣out impact line move movement of␣a off one out out␣of prescribed projectile rove rule snub straight straight␣line stray sudden To␣go trajectory travel turn turning upward vehicle wander way way␣to winding

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