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La parola stack è una parola straniera

29 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • stack n.m. (Anglicisme) (Poker) Montant du tapis d’un joueur.
  • stack n.m. (Géologie) Éperon rocheux détaché du littoral par l’érosion.
  • stack n.f. (Anglicisme informatique) Ensemble de composants logiciels…
— In inglese —
  • stack n. (Heading) A pile.
  • stack n. A smokestack.
  • stack n. (Heading) In computing.
  • stack n. (Mathematics) A generalization of schemes in algebraic geometry…
  • stack n. (Geology) A coastal landform, consisting of a large vertical…
  • stack n. (Library) Compactly spaced bookshelves used to house large…
  • stack n. (Figuratively) A large amount of an object.
  • stack n. (Military) A pile of rifles or muskets in a cone shape.
  • stack n. (Poker) The amount of money a player has on the table.
  • stack n. (Heading) In architecture.
  • stack n. (Australia, slang) A fall or crash, a prang.
  • stack n. (Bodybuilding) A blend of various dietary supplements or…
  • stack n. (Aviation) A holding pattern, with aircraft circling one…
  • stack n. (Video games) The quantity of a given item which fills up…
  • stack v. (Transitive) To arrange in a stack, or to add to an existing stack.
  • stack v. (Transitive, card games) To arrange the cards in a deck in…
  • stack v. (Transitive, poker) To take all the money another player…
  • stack v. (Transitive) To deliberately distort the composition of (An…
  • stack v. (Transitive, US, Australia, slang) To crash; to fall.
  • stack v. (Gaming) To operate cumulatively.
  • stack v. (Aviation, transitive) To place (aircraft) into a holding pattern.
  • stack v. (Informal, intransitive) To collect precious metal in the…
  • stack v. (Printing) To have excessive ink transfer.
  • Stack prop.n. A surname.
— in tedesco —
  • Stack S. Informatik: häufig eingesetzte Datenstruktur, die nach dem…
  • Stack S. Poker: Gesamtsumme der Jetons, die ein Spieler im Spiel zu…
17 parole italiane da 29 definizioni straniere

Australia crash deck die holding intransitive item metal operate par pile poker slang the transfer transitive Video

115 parole straniere da 29 definizioni straniere

add aircraft algebraic algebraic␣geometry all amount Anglicisme another architecture arrange Aviation blend Bodybuilding bookshelves card card␣games cards circling coastal collect Compactly composants composition computing cone consisting consisting␣of cumulatively deliberately dem der détaché dietary dietary␣supplements distort ein eingesetzte Ensemble Éperon érosion excessive existing fall Figuratively fills fills␣up games Gaming generalization Géologie Geology geometry Gesamtsumme given has has␣on häufig have Heading holding␣pattern house Informal Informatik informatique ink into Jetons joueur landform large Library littoral logiciels Mathematics Military money Montant muskets nach object of␣a of␣an one on␣the on␣the␣table pattern place player prang precious precious␣metal Printing quantity rifles rocheux schemes shape smokestack spaced Spiel Spieler Spiel␣zu stack supplements surname table take tapis used used␣to various vertical Video␣games which with

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cast scat TACS task

3 cugini (Nuove parole trovati cambiando una sola lettera.)

snack stick stock

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