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La parola snarl è una parola straniera

14 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • snarl v. (Transitive) To entangle; to complicate; to involve in knots.
  • snarl v. (Intransitive) To become entangled.
  • snarl v. (Transitive) To place in an embarrassing situation; to ensnare;…
  • snarl v. (Transitive, intransitive) To be congested in traffic, or…
  • snarl v. To form raised work upon the outer surface of (thin metal…
  • snarl n. A knot or complication of hair, thread, or the like, difficult…
  • snarl n. An intricate complication; a problematic difficulty; a knotty…
  • snarl n. A slow-moving traffic jam.
  • snarl v. (Intransitive) To growl angrily by gnashing or baring the…
  • snarl v. (Transitive) To complain angrily; to utter growlingly.
  • snarl v. (Intransitive) To speak crossly; to talk in rude, surly terms.
  • snarl n. The act of snarling; a growl; a surly or peevish expression;…
  • snarl n. A growl, for example that of an angry or surly dog, or similar;…
  • snarl n. A squabble.
7 parole italiane da 14 definizioni straniere

complicate intransitive intricate metal rude the Transitive

57 parole straniere da 14 definizioni straniere

act angrily angry baring become complain complication congested crossly difficult difficulty dog embarrassing ensnare entangle entangled example expression for for␣example form gnashing growl growlingly hair involve jam knot knots knotty like moving of␣an outer peevish place problematic raised similar situation slow slow-moving snarling speak squabble surface surly talk terms that thin thread traffic traffic␣jam upon utter work

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