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La parola smoker è una parola straniera

13 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • smoker n. A person who smokes tobacco habitually.
  • smoker n. A smoking car on a train.
  • smoker n. (Informal, dated) An informal social gathering for men only…
  • smoker n. (Informal, dated, UK, Cambridge University) A social event…
  • smoker n. A vent in the deep ocean floor from which a plume of superheated…
  • smoker n. (Slang) An illicit boxing match; see Wikipedia:Battle Royal (boxing).
  • smoker n. A device that releases smoke intended to distract bees; a bee smoker.
  • smoker n. A person or an apparatus that smokes food.
  • smoker n. (Slang) A two-stroke engine.
  • smoker n. (Slang, by extension) Any vehicle with a two-stroke engine…
  • smoker n. (Baseball, informal) A fastball.
  • smoker n. (Slang) Synonym of stag film.
  • Smoker prop.n. A surname.
8 parole italiane da 13 definizioni straniere

Baseball film food match Slang smoking social the

58 parole straniere da 13 definizioni straniere

Any apparatus Battle bee bees bee␣smoker boxing by␣extension Cambridge car dated deep device distract engine event extension fastball floor for from gathering habitually illicit informal intended men ocean ocean␣floor only person plume releases Royal see smoke smoker smokes smoking␣car stag stag␣film stroke superheated surname Synonym that tobacco train two two-stroke two-stroke␣engine University vehicle vent which who Wikipedia with

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