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La parola slump è una parola straniera

15 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • slump v. (Intransitive) To collapse heavily or helplessly.
  • slump v. (Intransitive) To decline or fall off in activity or performance.
  • slump v. (Intransitive) To slouch or droop.
  • slump v. (Transitive) To lump; to throw together messily.
  • slump v. To fall or sink suddenly through or in, when walking on a…
  • slump v. (Transitive, slang) To cause to collapse; to hit hard; to…
  • slump n. A heavy or helpless collapse; a slouching or drooping posture;…
  • slump n. A measure of the fluidity of freshly mixed concrete, based…
  • slump n. (UK, dialect) A boggy place.
  • slump n. (Scotland) The noise made by anything falling into a hole…
  • slump n. (Scotland) The gross amount; the mass; the lump.
  • slump n. A cobbler-like dessert cooked on a stove.
— In olandese —
  • slump n. (Sport) periode met een reeks tegenvallende resultaten.
  • slump n. (Economie) periode waarin de omzet en de winst dalen of op…
  • slump n. (Effectenhandel) langere periode waarin koersen dalen of laag blijven.
11 parole italiane da 15 definizioni straniere

cause concrete dessert Economie Intransitive performance posture slang Sport the Transitive

64 parole straniere da 15 definizioni straniere

activity amount anything based blijven boggy cobbler collapse cooked dalen decline dialect droop drooping een Effectenhandel fall falling falling␣into fall␣off fluidity freshly gross hard heavily heavy helpless helplessly hit hit␣hard hole into koersen laag like lump made mass measure messily met mixed noise off omzet periode place reeks resultaten Scotland sink slouch slouching stove suddenly tegenvallende through throw throw␣together together waarin walking when winst

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