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La parola sixties è una parola straniera

10 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • sixties n.f. (Chronologie) (Anglicisme) Décennie des années 1960.
— In inglese —
  • sixties n. Plural of sixty.
  • sixties n. Alternative letter-case form of Sixties (The decade of the…
  • sixties n. The decade of one’s life from age 60 through age 69.
  • sixties n. (Temperature, rates, plural only) The range between 60 and 69.
  • sixties adj. From or evoking the 61st through 70th years of a century…
  • Sixties n. The decade of the 1860s, 1960s, etc. (but especially the 1960s)
  • Sixties n. (US) A period in American history centered around the counterculture…
— in tedesco —
  • Sixties S. Salopp: Zeitraum der 60er Jahre eines Jahrhunderts, speziell…
— In olandese —
  • sixties n. Jaren 1960 tot en met 1969.
5 parole italiane da 10 definizioni straniere

Alternative and case decade the

44 parole straniere da 10 definizioni straniere

age American Anglicisme années around between but centered century Chronologie counterculture Décennie der des eines especially etc evoking form from history Jahre Jahrhunderts Jaren letter letter␣case life met of␣a one only period plural range rates Salopp Sixties sixty speziell Temperature through tot years Zeitraum

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