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La parola shy è una parola straniera

15 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • shy adj. Easily frightened; timid.
  • shy adj. Reserved; disinclined to familiar approach.
  • shy adj. Cautious; wary; suspicious.
  • shy adj. (Informal) Short, insufficient or less than.
  • shy adj. Embarrassed.
  • shy v. (Intransitive) To avoid due to caution, embarrassment or timidness.
  • shy v. (Intransitive) To jump back in fear.
  • shy v. (Transitive) To throw sideways with a jerk; to fling.
  • shy v. (Scottish) (transitive) or (intransitive) To throw a ball…
  • shy n. An act of throwing.
  • shy n. A place for throwing.
  • shy n. A sudden start aside, as by a horse.
  • shy n. In the Eton College wall game, a point scored by lifting…
  • shy n. (Scottish) In soccer, a throw-in from the sidelines, using…
  • Shy prop.n. A surname.
8 parole italiane da 15 definizioni straniere

College due game intransitive lifting soccer the transitive

51 parole straniere da 15 definizioni straniere

act approach aside avoid back back␣in ball caution Cautious disinclined due␣to Easily Embarrassed embarrassment Eton familiar fear fling for frightened from horse Informal insufficient jerk jump less less␣than place point Reserved scored Scottish Short sidelines sideways start sudden surname suspicious than throw throw␣in throwing timid timidness using wall wall␣game wary with

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