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La parola shear è una parola straniera

18 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • shear v. To cut, originally with a sword or other bladed weapon, now…
  • shear v. To remove the fleece from a sheep etc. by clipping.
  • shear v. To cut the hair of (a person).
  • shear v. (Physics) To deform because of forces pushing in opposite directions.
  • shear v. (Aviation, meteorology, intransitive, of wind) To change…
  • shear v. (Mathematics) To transform by displacing every point in a…
  • shear v. (Mining, intransitive) To make a vertical cut in coal.
  • shear v. (Scotland) To reap, as grain.
  • shear v. (Figurative) To deprive of property; to fleece.
  • shear n. A cutting tool similar to scissors, but often larger.
  • shear n. (Metalworking) A large machine use for cutting sheet metal.
  • shear n. The act of shearing, or something removed by shearing.
  • shear n. (Physics) Forces that push in opposite directions.
  • shear n. (Aviation, meteorology) Wind shear, or an instance thereof.
  • shear n. (Mathematics) A transformation that displaces every point…
  • shear n. (Geology) The response of a rock to deformation usually by…
  • shear adj. Misspelling of sheer.
  • Shear prop.n. A surname.
4 parole italiane da 18 definizioni straniere

intransitive metal rock the

80 parole straniere da 18 definizioni straniere

act Aviation because because␣of bladed but change clipping coal cut cut␣in cutting deform deformation deprive directions displaces displacing etc every Figurative fleece for forces from Geology grain hair instance large larger machine make Mathematics Metalworking meteorology Mining Misspelling now of␣a often opposite originally or␣something other person Physics point property push push␣in pushing reap remove removed response scissors Scotland shear shearing sheep sheer sheet sheet␣metal similar something surname sword that thereof tool transform transformation use usually vertical weapon wind Wind␣shear with

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shaker sherpa

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