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La parola sheaf è una parola straniera

8 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • sheaf n. A quantity of the stalks and ears of wheat, rye, or other…
  • sheaf n. Any collection of things bound together.
  • sheaf n. A bundle of arrows sufficient to fill a quiver, or the allowance…
  • sheaf n. A quantity of arrows, usually twenty-four.
  • sheaf n. (Mechanical) A sheave.
  • sheaf n. (Mathematics) An abstract construct in topology that associates…
  • sheaf v. (Transitive) To gather and bind into a sheaf; to make into sheaves.
  • sheaf v. (Intransitive) To collect and bind cut grain, or the like; to make sheaves.
5 parole italiane da 8 definizioni straniere

abstract and Intransitive the Transitive

39 parole straniere da 8 definizioni straniere

allowance Any arrows associates bind bound bundle collect collection construct cut ears fill four gather grain into like make make␣into Mathematics Mechanical other quantity quiver rye sheaf sheave sheaves stalks sufficient that things together topology twenty twenty␣four usually wheat

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