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La parola sharp è una parola straniera

43 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • sharp adj. Terminating in a point or edge, especially one that can…
  • sharp adj. (Colloquial) Intelligent.
  • sharp adj. (Music) Higher than usual by one semitone (denoted by the…
  • sharp adj. (Music) Higher in pitch than required.
  • sharp adj. Having an intense, acrid flavour.
  • sharp adj. Sudden and intense.
  • sharp adj. (Colloquial) Illegal or dishonest.
  • sharp adj. (Colloquial) Keenly or unduly attentive to one’s own interests; shrewd.
  • sharp adj. Exact, precise, accurate; keen.
  • sharp adj. Offensive, critical, or acrimonious.
  • sharp adj. (Colloquial) Stylish or attractive.
  • sharp adj. Observant; alert; acute.
  • sharp adj. Forming a small angle; especially, forming an angle of…
  • sharp adj. Steep; precipitous; abrupt.
  • sharp adj. (Mathematics, of a statement) Said of as extreme a value as possible.
  • sharp adj. (Chess) Tactical; risky.
  • sharp adj. Piercing; keen; severe; painful.
  • sharp adj. Eager or keen in pursuit; impatient for gratification.
  • sharp adj. (Obsolete) Fierce; ardent; fiery; violent; impetuous.
  • sharp adj. Composed of hard, angular grains; gritty.
  • sharp adj. (Phonetics, dated) Uttered in a whisper, or with the breath…
  • sharp adj. (Obsolete) Hungry.
  • sharp adv. To a point or edge; piercingly; eagerly; sharply.
  • sharp adv. (Not comparable) Exactly.
  • sharp adv. (Music) In a higher pitch than is correct or desirable.
  • sharp n. (Music) The symbol ♯, placed after the name of a note in…
  • sharp n. (Music) A note that is played a semitone higher than usual;…
  • sharp n. (Music) A note that is sharp in a particular key.
  • sharp n. (Music) The scale having a particular sharp note as its tonic.
  • sharp n. (Usually in the plural) Something that is sharp.
  • sharp n. A dishonest person; a cheater.
  • sharp n. Part of a stream where the water runs very rapidly.
  • sharp n. A sewing needle with a very slender point, more pointed than…
  • sharp n. (In the plural) Fine particles of husk mixed with coarse…
  • sharp n. (Slang, dated) An expert.
  • sharp n. A sharpie (member of Australian gangs of the 1960s and 1970s).
  • sharp v. (Music) To raise the pitch of a note half a step making a…
  • sharp v. To play tricks in bargaining; to act the sharper.
  • sharp v. (Transitive, obsolete) To sharpen.
  • Sharp prop.n. A surname.
  • Sharp prop.n. A Japanese and Taiwanese multinational corporation that…
  • Sharp prop.n. An unincorporated community in Ozark County, Missouri, United States.
  • SHARP n. Acronym of skinhead against racial prejudice.
24 parole italiane da 43 definizioni straniere

accurate acute and community corporation extreme Fine half intense Missouri more Not note obsolete play precise scale severe Slang Steep Taiwanese the Transitive water

144 parole straniere da 43 definizioni straniere

abrupt acrid acrimonious Acronym act after against alert angle angular ardent attentive attractive Australian bargaining breath can cheater Chess coarse Colloquial comparable Composed correct County critical dated denoted desirable dishonest Eager eagerly edge especially Exact Exactly expert Fierce fiery flavour for forming gangs grains gratification gritty hard having higher Hungry husk Illegal impatient impetuous in␣pursuit Intelligent interests its Japanese keen Keenly key making Mathematics member mixed multinational Music name needle Observant of␣a Offensive one own Ozark Ozark␣County painful Part particles particular person Phonetics Piercing piercingly pitch placed played play␣tricks plural point pointed possible precipitous prejudice pursuit racial raise rapidly required risky runs Said semitone sewing sewing␣needle sharp sharpen sharper sharpie sharply shrewd skinhead slender small Something statement States step stream Stylish Sudden surname symbol Tactical Terminating than that that␣is tonic tricks unduly unincorporated United United␣States usual Usually Uttered value very violent where whisper with

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