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La parola second è una parola straniera

38 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • second adj. Élément ordinal, correspondant au cardinal deux ; qui vient…
  • second adj. Qualifie la deuxième et dernière partie d’une chose.
  • second n.m. Celui qui tient le second rang dans un classement, dans…
  • second n.m. (Sens figuré) Personne qui en aide une autre dans une affaire…
  • second n.m. (Marine) Officier qui est immédiatement après le capitaine.
  • second n.m. (Désuet) Celui qui accompagnait un duelliste à titre de…
  • second n.m. (Par ellipse) Le second ou deuxième étage d’une maison.
  • second n.m. (Par ellipse) Le second ou deuxième mot permettant de retrouver…
— In inglese —
  • second adj. Number-two; following after the first one with nothing…
  • second adj. Next to the first in value, power, excellence, dignity…
  • second adj. Being of the same kind as one that has preceded; another.
  • second adv. (With superlative) After the first; at the second rank.
  • second adv. After the first occurrence but before the third.
  • second n. Something that is number two in a series.
  • second n. Something that is next in rank, quality, precedence, position…
  • second n. The place that is next below or after first in a race or contest.
  • second n. (Usually in the plural) A manufactured item that, though…
  • second n. (Usually in the plural) An additional helping of food.
  • second n. A chance or attempt to achieve what should have been done…
  • second n. (Music) The interval between two adjacent notes in a diatonic…
  • second n. The second gear of an engine.
  • second n. (Baseball) Second base.
  • second n. The agent of a party to an honour dispute whose role was…
  • second n. A Cub Scout appointed to assist the sixer.
  • second n. (Informal) A second-class honours degree.
  • second v. (Transitive) To agree as a second person to (a proposal)…
  • second v. To follow in the next place; to succeed.
  • second v. (Climbing) To climb after a lead climber.
  • second n. One-sixtieth of a minute; the SI unit of time, defined as…
  • second n. A unit of angle equal to one-sixtieth of a minute of arc…
  • second n. (Informal) A short, indeterminate amount of time.
  • second v. (Transitive, UK) To transfer temporarily to alternative employment.
  • second v. (Transitive) To assist or support; to back.
  • second v. (Transitive) To agree as a second person to (a proposal)…
  • second v. (Transitive, music) To accompany by singing as the second performer.
  • second n. One who supports another in a contest or combat, such as…
  • second n. One who supports or seconds a motion, or the act itself…
  • second n. (Obsolete) Aid; assistance; help.
19 parole italiane da 38 definizioni straniere

alternative assist base Baseball chance est food indeterminate item Marine minute notes Obsolete Par qui Scout the transfer Transitive

165 parole straniere da 38 definizioni straniere

accompagnait accompany achieve act additional adjacent affaire after agent agree Aid aide amount angle another appointed après arc as␣one assistance à␣titre à␣titre␣de attempt autre back been before Being below between but capitaine cardinal Celui chose class classement climb climber Climbing combat contest correspondant Cub Cub␣Scout dans defined degree dernière Désuet deux deuxième diatonic dignity dispute done duelliste Élément ellipse employment engine equal étage excellence figuré first follow following gear has have help helping honour honours honours␣degree immédiatement Informal interval itself kind lead lead␣climber maison manufactured minute␣of␣arc mot motion music next Next␣to nothing number number␣two occurrence of␣a of␣an Officier one ordinal partie party party␣to performer permettant person Personne place plural position power preceded precedence proposal Qualifie quality race rang rank retrouver role same second Second␣base second␣class second␣gear second␣person seconds Sens Sens␣figuré series short should singing sixer sixtieth Something succeed such such␣as superlative support supports temporarily that that␣is the␣same third though tient time titre to␣the two une une␣autre unit Usually value vient was what who whose with

57 suffissi (Nuove parole trovati inserendo una o più lettere alla fine della parola.)

seconda Seconda seconde secondi secondo secondò secondai secondano secondari secondata secondate secondati secondato secondava secondavi secondavo seconderà seconderò secondina Secondina secondine secondini secondino secondammo secondando secondante secondanti secondaria secondarie secondario secondasse secondassi secondaste secondasti seconderai seconderei secondiamo Secondiana secondiate secondarono secondavamo secondavano secondavate seconderemo seconderete secondassero secondassimo seconderanno seconderebbe seconderemmo +7 parole

60 volte in mezzo (Nuove parole trovati inserendo lettere di fronte e alla fine della parola.)

asseconda assecondi assecondo assecondò in␣seconda a␣seconda␣di assecondai del␣secondo a␣seconda␣che assecondano assecondata assecondate assecondati assecondato assecondava assecondavi assecondavo asseconderà asseconderò assecondino attosecondo nanosecondi nanosecondo picosecondo wattsecondo assecondammo assecondando assecondante assecondanti assecondasse assecondassi assecondaste assecondasti asseconderai asseconderei assecondiamo assecondiate femtosecondo microsecondi microsecondo millisecondi millisecondo assecondabili assecondarono assecondavamo assecondavano assecondavate asseconderemo asseconderete assecondassero +10 parole

5 parole in parola (Parole trovati come all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)

con eco eco- seco secò

Una parola in parola DaS (Parola trovato scritto da destra a sinistra, all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)


Un anagramma (Nuova parola trovata modificando l'ordine della lettera.)


10 anagrammi con una lettera aggiuntiva (Nuove parole formate con tutte le lettere dalla parola e una lettera aggiuntiva.)

ascendo asconde secando seconda Seconda seconde secondi secondo secondò uscendo

4 anagrammi meno una lettera (Nuove parole formate con tutte le lettere dalla parola meno una lettera.)

censo denso desco sonde

Parola casualeTorna all'inizio
Parola precedenteParola successiva

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