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La parola scuttle è una parola straniera

11 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • scuttle n. A container like an open bucket (usually to hold and carry coal).
  • scuttle n. A broad, shallow basket.
  • scuttle n. (Obsolete, Northern England and Scotland) A dish, platter or a trencher.
  • scuttle n. A small hatch or opening in a boat. Also, small opening in…
  • scuttle n. (Construction) A hatch that provides access to the roof from…
  • scuttle v. (Transitive, nautical) To cut a hole or holes through the…
  • scuttle v. (Transitive) To deliberately sink one’s ship or boat by any…
  • scuttle v. (Transitive, by extension) To deliberately wreck one’s vehicle…
  • scuttle v. (Transitive, by extension) To undermine or thwart oneself…
  • scuttle v. (Intransitive) To move hastily, to scurry.
  • scuttle n. A quick pace; a short run.
8 parole italiane da 11 definizioni straniere

and basket container Intransitive Obsolete pace the Transitive

50 parole straniere da 11 definizioni straniere

access Also any boat broad bucket by␣extension carry coal Construction cut deliberately dish England extension from hastily hatch hold hole holes like move nautical Northern one oneself open opening platter provides quick roof run Scotland scurry shallow ship short sink small that through thwart to␣the trencher undermine usually vehicle wreck

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sculetta sculetti sculetto sculettò

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