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La parola running è una parola straniera

21 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • running n.m. (Course à pied) Course à pied axée sur la recherche de…
  • running n.m. (Canada) Chaussure de sport.
  • running n.f. Chaussure pour la course à pied.
— In inglese —
  • running v. Present participle of run.
  • running adj. Moving or advancing at a run.
  • running adj. Present, current.
  • running adj. Flowing; easy; cursive.
  • running adj. Continuous; ongoing; keeping along step by step.
  • running adj. Having a continuous design or pattern.
  • running adj. Consecutive (much more commonly expressed by an adverb; see below).
  • running adj. (Botany) Extending by a slender climbing or trailing stem.
  • running adj. (Medicine) Discharging pus.
  • running adj. (Medicine, of a nose) Discharging snot or mucus.
  • running adv. (Informal) Consecutively; in a row.
  • running n. The action of the verb to run.
  • running n. The activity of running as a form of exercise, as a sport…
  • running n. That which runs or flows; the quantity of a liquid which…
  • running n. The discharge from an ulcer or other sore.
  • running n. (Colloquial) The act of running errands.
  • running prep. (Colloquial) Approaching; about; roughly. (Can we add…
  • Running prop.n. A surname.
8 parole italiane da 21 definizioni straniere

Canada Consecutive design Medicine more pus sport the

76 parole straniere da 21 definizioni straniere

about act action activity add advancing adverb along à␣pied Approaching at␣a␣run axée below Botany Can Chaussure climbing Colloquial commonly Consecutively continuous course course␣à␣pied current cursive discharge Discharging easy errands exercise expressed Extending Flowing flows form from Having in␣a␣row Informal keeping liquid Moving much mucus nose of␣a ongoing other participle pattern pied pour Present Present␣participle quantity recherche roughly row run running running␣errands runs see slender snot sore stem step step␣by␣step sur surname That trailing ulcer verb which

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