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La parola rhythm è una parola straniera

8 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • rhythm n. The variation of strong and weak elements (such as duration…
  • rhythm n. A specifically defined pattern of such variation.
  • rhythm n. A flow, repetition or regularity.
  • rhythm n. The tempo or speed of a beat, song or repetitive event.
  • rhythm n. The musical instruments which provide rhythm (mainly; not…
  • rhythm n. A regular quantitative change in a variable (notably natural) process.
  • rhythm n. Controlled repetition of a phrase, incident or other element…
  • rhythm n. A person’s natural feeling for rhythm.
8 parole italiane da 8 definizioni straniere

and beat feeling musical not quantitative tempo The

37 parole straniere da 8 definizioni straniere

change Controlled defined duration element elements event flow for incident instruments mainly musical␣instruments natural notably of␣a other pattern person phrase process provide regular regularity repetition repetitive rhythm song specifically speed strong such such␣as variable variation weak which

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