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La parola reflex è una parola straniera

19 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • reflex n.m. (Photographie) Type d’appareil photographique caractérisé…
— In inglese —
  • reflex n. An automatic response to a simple stimulus which does not…
  • reflex n. (Linguistics) The descendant of an earlier language element…
  • reflex n. (Linguistics, rare) The ancestor word corresponding to a descendant.
  • reflex n. The descendant of anything from an earlier time, such as a cultural myth.
  • reflex n. (Chiefly photography) Reflection or an image produced by…
  • reflex adj. Bent, turned back or reflected.
  • reflex adj. Produced automatically by a stimulus.
  • reflex adj. (Geometry, of an angle) Having greater than 180 degrees…
  • reflex adj. (Painting) Illuminated by light reflected from another…
  • reflex v. (Transitive) To bend back or turn back over itself.
  • reflex v. (Transitive, obsolete) To reflect (Light, sight, etc.).
  • reflex v. (Transitive, obsolete) To reflect or mirror (an object)…
  • reflex v. (Transitive, obsolete) To cast (beams of light) on something.
  • reflex v. To respond to a stimulus.
— in tedesco —
  • Reflex S. Nicht kontrollierbare Bewegung.
  • Reflex S. Gespiegeltes Licht.
— In olandese —
  • reflex n. (Medisch), (biologie) een onwillekeurige reactie op bepaalde prikkels.
  • reflex n. Een automatische handeling.
9 parole italiane da 19 definizioni straniere

biologie cast light not obsolete rare simple The Transitive

72 parole straniere da 19 definizioni straniere

ancestor angle another anything appareil automatic automatically automatische back beams bend Bent bepaalde Bewegung caractérisé Chiefly corresponding cultural degrees descendant does earlier een element etc from Geometry Gespiegeltes greater greater␣than handeling Having Illuminated image itself kontrollierbare language Licht Linguistics Medisch mirror myth Nicht object of␣an over Painting Photographie photographique photography prikkels produced reactie reflect reflected Reflection respond response sight something stimulus such such␣as than time turn turn␣back turned turned␣back Type which word

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  • Visita - la parola reflex è una parola scrabble valido (12 punti).

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