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La parola plumbing è una parola straniera

5 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • plumbing n. The pipes, together with the joints, tanks, stopcocks, taps…
  • plumbing n. The trade or occupation of a plumber.
  • plumbing n. (Informal) A system of vessels or ducts in the human body…
  • plumbing n. (Informal, figurative) Practical, concrete work serving to…
  • plumbing n. (Countable) A Murasugi sum where each disk summed along has…
3 parole italiane da 5 definizioni straniere

body concrete the

30 parole straniere da 5 definizioni straniere

along Countable disk ducts each figurative has human Informal joints Murasugi␣sum occupation of␣a pipes plumber Practical serving stopcocks sum summed system tanks taps together together␣with trade vessels where with work

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