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La parola pat è una parola straniera

37 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • pat adj. (Échecs) Aux échecs, se dit du camp ou du roi qui est dans…
  • pat n.m. (Échecs) Situation où un des deux joueurs, qui n’a pas…
  • Pat prén.m. Prénom masculin.
  • PAT n.m. Protocole autorisant les redirections de ports des adresses IP.
  • PAT n.m. (France) Point autonomie territorial, lieu d’accueil, d’information…
— In inglese —
  • pat n. The sound of a light slap or tap with a soft flat object…
  • pat n. A light tap or slap, especially with the hands.
  • pat n. A flattish lump of soft matter, especially butter or dung.
  • pat v. To (gently) tap the flat of one’s hand on a person or thing.
  • pat v. To hit lightly and repeatedly with the flat of the hand to…
  • pat v. (UK, Australia, New Zealand) To stroke or fondle (an animal).
  • pat v. To gently rain.
  • pat adj. Exactly suitable, fitting, apt; timely, convenient, opportune…
  • pat adj. Trite, being superficially complete, lacking originality.
  • pat adv. Opportunely, in a timely or suitable way.
  • pat adv. Perfectly.
  • pat n. Clipping of patent.
  • pat n. (Knitting) Clipping of pattern.
  • Pat prop.n. A diminutive of the female given name Patricia.
  • Pat prop.n. A diminutive of the male given name Patrick.
  • Pat n. (Slang, possibly offensive) An Irish person.
  • Pat prop.n. A surname.
  • PAT n. (American football) Initialism of point after touchdown. (extra point)
  • PAT n. (Education, Alberta) Initialism of provincial achievement test.
  • PAT n. (Electrical engineering, UK, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia)…
  • PAT n. (Networking) Initialism of port address translation.
  • PAT n. (Programming) Initialism of protocol associated type.
  • PAT prop.n. (Quebec) Abbreviation of Pointe-aux-Trembles, a municipality…
— in tedesco —
  • Pat. Abk. Patent.
  • Pat. Abk. Patient/Patientin.
  • Pat. Abk. Patina.
— In olandese —
  • pat n. (Schaak) remise doordat een speler geen zet meer kan doen…
  • pat n. (Kleding) reep stof met een knoopsgat aan het uiteinde en…
  • pat n. (Kleding) (verouderd) klep, bijvoorbeeld over een zak.
  • pat n. (Kleding) (militair) gekleurd strookje stof op een uniform…
  • pat n. (Fietsen) een van beide houders die het wiel in de vork houden…
  • pat bijv. (Schaak) alleen predicatief in een toestand waarin een…
22 parole italiane da 37 definizioni straniere

Alberta and Australia autonomie complete die diminutive engineering est extra football light male New opportune Patina qui Slang sound test the van

148 parole straniere da 37 definizioni straniere

aan aan␣het Abbreviation accueil achievement address adresses adresses␣IP after alleen American American␣football animal apt associated autorisant aux beide being bijvoorbeeld butter camp Clipping convenient dans des deux dit doen doordat dung échecs Education een Electrical Electrical␣engineering especially Exactly extra␣point female Fietsen fitting flat flattish fondle France geen gekleurd gently given given␣name hand hand␣on hands het hit houden houders information Initialism Ireland Irish joueurs kan Kleding klep Knitting knoopsgat lacking les lieu lightly lump masculin matter meer met militair municipality name Networking New␣Zealand object of␣a offensive one Opportunely originality over pas patent Patient Patientin Patricia Patrick pattern Perfectly person point Pointe port ports possibly predicatief Prénom Programming protocol Protocole provincial Quebec rain redirections reep remise repeatedly roi Schaak Situation slap soft speler stof stroke strookje suitable superficially surname tap territorial thing timely toestand touchdown translation Trembles Trite type uiteinde uniform verouderd vork waarin way wiel with zak Zealand zet

393 suffissi (Nuove parole trovati inserendo una o più lettere alla fine della parola.)

pâté patì patch -patia patos patta patte patti patto patata patate patema pathos patico patina patini patino patinò patire patita patite patiti patito patria patrie patrio patron pattuì patacca pataffi patelle patendo patente patenti paterna paterne paterni paterno Paternò patiamo patinai patisce patisci patrizi patrona patrone patroni patrono pattina pattini +343 parole

1149 volte in mezzo (Nuove parole trovati inserendo lettere di fronte e alla fine della parola.)

epato- ipata apatia capata dopata dopate dopati dopato papato pepata pepate pepati pepato pipata pipate pipati pipato rapata rapate rapati rapato apatica apatici apatico apatite campata campate campati campato cappato compatì crepata crepate crepati crepato empatia empatie epatica epatici epatico epatite espatri felpato impatta impatti impatto impat lappata lappate lappati +1099 parole

9 anagrammi con una lettera aggiuntiva (Nuove parole formate con tutte le lettere dalla parola e una lettera aggiuntiva.)

epta- opta pâté patì pota tape tipa topa trap

4 anagrammi meno una lettera (Nuove parole formate con tutte le lettere dalla parola meno una lettera.)

A&P pa pA PA

9 cugini (Nuove parole trovati cambiando una sola lettera.)

IAT MAT PAC PAL pan- par PAS PET pot

3 lipogrammi (Nuove parole trovati eliminando una sola lettera.)

pa pA PA

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