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La parola outbranch è una parola straniera

8 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • outbranch n. A branch of a tree, bush, or shrub that extends outward; offshoot.
  • outbranch n. A branch of a path, stream, vessel, duct, etc. that carries…
  • outbranch n. (Data structures) One of several edges in a directed graph…
  • outbranch n. A branch of a business that has been spun off from the parent company.
  • outbranch n. An offshoot or outgrowth; something that develops from something else.
  • outbranch n. (Law) Something that results from a law, ruling, or record…
  • outbranch v. To form an outbranch; to branch out or spin off.
  • outbranch v. To form more branches than.
6 parole italiane da 8 definizioni straniere

business Data more record spin the

48 parole straniere da 8 definizioni straniere

been branch branches branch␣out bush carries company Data␣structures develops directed directed␣graph duct edges else etc extends form from graph has has␣been law of␣a off offshoot One out outbranch outgrowth outward parent parent␣company path results ruling several shrub something something␣else spin␣off spun spun␣off stream structures than that tree vessel

2 parole in parola (Parole trovati come all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)

ANC ranch

Una parola in parola DaS (Parola trovato scritto da destra a sinistra, all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)


Un anagramma meno una lettera (Nuova parola formata con tutte le lettere dalla parola meno una lettera.)


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