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La parola orthodox è una parola straniera

16 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • orthodox adj. Conforming to the accepted, established, or traditional…
  • orthodox adj. Adhering to whatever is customary, traditional, or generally accepted.
  • orthodox adj. Of the eastern churches, Eastern Orthodox.
  • orthodox adj. Of a branch of Judaism.
  • orthodox adj. (Botany) Of pollen, seed, or spores: viable for a long…
  • Orthodox adj. (Christianity) Of or pertaining to the Orthodox Churches collectively.
  • Orthodox adj. (Christianity, loosely) Of or pertaining to a particular…
  • Orthodox adj. (Judaism) Of or pertaining to Orthodox Judaism.
  • Orthodox adj. (Quakerism) Of or pertaining to the Orthodox Quakers, a…
  • Orthodox n. (Uncommon) An Orthodox Christian.
  • Orthodox n. (Rare) An Orthodox Jew.
— in tedesco —
  • orthodox Adj. Die orthodoxe(n) Kirche(n) betreffend.
  • orthodox Adj. Religion: streng der Lehre folgend, rechtgläubig.
  • orthodox Adj. Übertragen: strikt gemäß Lehrmeinungen, Dogmen.
— In olandese —
  • orthodox bijv. (Religie) star vasthoudend aan een bepaald geloof.
  • orthodox bijv. Star vasthoudend aan bepaalde opvattingen of gewoontes…
4 parole italiane da 16 definizioni straniere

Die Rare star the

58 parole straniere da 16 definizioni straniere

aan accepted Adhering bepaald bepaalde betreffend Botany branch Christian Christianity churches collectively Conforming customary der Dogmen eastern Eastern␣Orthodox een established folgend for geloof gemäß generally gewoontes Jew Judaism Kirche Lehre Lehrmeinungen long loosely Of␣a opvattingen Orthodox Orthodox␣Churches orthodoxe Orthodox␣Jew Orthodox␣Judaism particular pertaining pollen Quakerism Quakers Religie Religion seed spores streng strikt to␣the traditional Übertragen Uncommon vasthoudend viable whatever

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