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La parola offtime è una parola straniera

11 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • offtime n. Alternative form of off time.
  • off-time n. Alternative form of off time.
  • off-time adj. (Social psychology) Occurring at a time other than the…
  • off-time adj. Out of sync; unsynchronized.
  • off-time adv. Occurring at a non-normal time.
  • off␣time n. Time when one is not working.
  • off␣time n. Time when the activity of a business is diminished; off-season.
  • off␣time n. (Electronics) The time interval when no current flows.
  • off␣time n. (Medicine) Time when the medication for a chronic condition…
  • off␣time n. (Racing) The point in time when the official starter signals…
  • off␣time adj. Alternative form of off-time.
8 parole italiane da 11 definizioni straniere

Alternative business Medicine non not Social starter the

42 parole straniere da 11 definizioni straniere

activity at␣a␣time chronic condition current diminished Electronics flows for form interval in␣time medication normal normal␣time Occurring of␣a off official off-season off␣time one other other␣than Out Out␣of Out␣of␣sync point point␣in␣time psychology Racing season signals Social␣psychology starter␣signals sync than time time␣interval unsynchronized when working

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