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La parola nibble è una parola straniera

13 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • nibble n.m. (Anglicisme informatique) Séquence de quatre bits. Soit…
— In inglese —
  • nibble n. A small, quick bite taken with the front teeth.
  • nibble n. (In the plural, nibbles) Small snacks such as crisps/potato…
  • nibble v. (Transitive, intransitive) To eat with small, quick bites.
  • nibble v. (Transitive) To bite lightly.
  • nibble v. (Figurative) To consume gradually.
  • nibble v. To find fault; to cavil.
  • nibble n. (Computing) A unit of memory equal to half a byte, or four bits.
— in tedesco —
  • nibble V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs nibbeln.
  • nibble V. 1. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs nibbeln.
  • nibble V. 1. Person Singular Konjunktiv I Präsens Aktiv des Verbs nibbeln.
  • nibble V. 3. Person Singular Konjunktiv I Präsens Aktiv des Verbs nibbeln.
  • Nibble S. Informatik: ein halbes Byte, 4 Bit oder 4 Tupel.
7 parole italiane da 13 definizioni straniere

Bit byte half intransitive potato the Transitive

51 parole straniere da 13 definizioni straniere

Aktiv Anglicisme bite bites bits cavil Computing consume crisps des eat ein equal fault Figurative find find␣fault four front front␣teeth gradually halbes Imperativ Indikativ Informatik informatique Konjunktiv Konjunktiv␣I lightly memory nibbeln nibbles oder Person plural Präsens quatre quick Séquence Singular small snacks Soit such such␣as taken teeth Tupel unit Verbs with

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