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La parola monotype è una parola straniera

14 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— Parola italiana, definita in francese —
  • monotype n.f. (Typographie) Monotype, machine de composition au plomb.
— Parola italiana, definita in inglese —
  • monotype n. Monotype.
— In francese —
  • monotype n.m. (Navigation) Voilier conçu pour que les concurrents aient…
  • monotype n.m. (Art) Produit de l’estampage d’un support qui non poreux…
  • monotype n.f. (Typographie) Machine de composition d’imprimerie, chainon…
— In inglese —
  • monotype n. (Art, printing) A print made by creating the design using…
  • monotype n. (Art, printing, uncountable) The technique of making such prints.
  • monotype n. (Biology) A monotypic taxon.
  • monotype n. A keyboard-operated typesetting and casting machine that…
  • monotype n. (Sailing) A sailboat designed to be crewed or raced by a single person.
  • monotype n. (Computing theory) In the Hindley–Milner type system, a single…
  • monotype v. (Transitive) To produce a monotype of.
— In olandese —
  • monotype n. Zetmachine voor afzonderlijke letters en een bedrijf die…
  • monotype n. Druktechniek voor het maken van maar één afdruk.
11 parole italiane da 14 definizioni straniere

and casting design die non produce qui single the Transitive van

60 parole straniere da 14 definizioni straniere

afdruk aient Art bedrijf Biology chainon composition Computing conçu concurrents creating crewed designed één estampage het Hindley imprimerie keyboard les letters maar machine made maken making Milner monotype monotypic Navigation operated person plomb poreux pour pour␣que print printing prints Produit que raced sailboat Sailing such support system taxon technique that theory type typesetting type␣system Typographie uncountable using Voilier voor Zetmachine

2 parole in parola (Parole trovati come all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)

mono- not

2 parole in parola DaS (Parole trovanoro scritto da destra a sinistra, all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)

ton tono

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Sito Web consigliato

  • Visita - la parola monotype è una parola scrabble valido (16 punti).

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