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La parola mew è una parola straniera

20 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • mew n. (Archaic, poetic, dialectal) A gull, seagull.
  • mew n. (Obsolete) A prison, or other place of confinement.
  • mew n. (Obsolete) A hiding place; a secret store or den.
  • mew n. (Obsolete) A breeding-cage for birds.
  • mew n. (Falconry) A cage for hawks, especially while moulting.
  • mew n. (Falconry, in the plural) A building or set of buildings…
  • mew v. (Archaic) To shut away, confine, lock up.
  • mew v. (Of a bird) To moult.
  • mew v. (Of a bird, obsolete) To cause to moult.
  • mew v. (Of a deer, obsolete) To shed antlers.
  • mew n. The crying sound of a cat; a meow, especially of a kitten.
  • mew n. The crying sound of a gull or buzzard.
  • mew n. (Obsolete) An exclamation of disapproval; a boo.
  • mew v. (Of a cat, especially of a kitten) To meow.
  • mew v. (Of a gull or buzzard) To make its cry.
  • mew interj. A cat’s (especially a kitten’s) cry.
  • mew interj. A gull’s or buzzard’s cry.
  • mew interj. (Archaic) An exclamation of disapproval; boo.
  • mew v. (Slang, neologism) To flatten the tongue against the roof…
  • Mew prop.n. A surname.
7 parole italiane da 20 definizioni straniere

cause confine obsolete set Slang sound the

54 parole straniere da 20 definizioni straniere

against antlers Archaic away bird birds boo breeding building buildings buzzard cage cat confinement cry crying deer den dialectal disapproval especially exclamation Falconry flatten for gull hawks hiding hiding␣place its kitten lock lock␣up make meow moult moulting neologism of␣a other place plural poetic prison roof seagull secret shed shut shut␣away store surname tongue while

3 anagrammi meno una lettera (Nuove parole formate con tutte le lettere dalla parola meno una lettera.)

me mW MW

4 cugini (Nuove parole trovati cambiando una sola lettera.)

Mea mEq MeV new

3 lipogrammi (Nuove parole trovati eliminando una sola lettera.)

me mW MW

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