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La parola mellow è una parola straniera

12 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • mellow adj. (Also figuratively, of fruit) Soft or tender by reason…
  • mellow adj. (Also figuratively, of food or drink, or its flavour) Matured…
  • mellow adj. (Of soil) Soft and easily penetrated or worked; not hard or rigid; loamy.
  • mellow adj. (Chiefly poetic).
  • mellow adj. (Figuratively).
  • mellow adj. (Chiefly AAVE, slang) Pleasing in some way; excellent, fantastic, great.
  • mellow n. The property of being mellow; mellowness.
  • mellow n. (Specifically) A comfortable or relaxed mood.
  • mellow n. (AAVE) Also main mellow: a close friend or lover.
  • mellow v. (Transitive).
  • mellow v. (Intransitive).
  • Mellow prop.n. A surname.
8 parole italiane da 12 definizioni straniere

and drink food Intransitive not slang The Transitive

38 parole straniere da 12 definizioni straniere

AAVE Also being Chiefly close comfortable easily excellent fantastic figuratively flavour friend fruit great hard its loamy lover main Matured mellow mellowness mood penetrated Pleasing poetic property reason relaxed rigid Soft soil some Specifically surname tender way worked

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