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La parola mash è una parola straniera

22 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • mash n.m. (Élevage) (Anglicisme) Sorte de bouillie d’orge et d’avoine…
— In inglese —
  • mash n. (Uncountable) A mass of mixed ingredients reduced to a soft…
  • mash n. (Brewing) Ground or bruised malt, or meal of rye, wheat…
  • mash n. (Mostly UK) Mashed potatoes.
  • mash n. A mixture of meal or bran and water fed to animals.
  • mash n. (Obsolete) A mess; trouble.
  • mash v. (Transitive) To convert into a mash; to reduce to a soft…
  • mash v. (Transitive) In brewing, to convert (for example malt, or…
  • mash v. (Transitive, intransitive) To press down hard (on).
  • mash v. (Transitive, southern US, informal) To press. (Can we add…
  • mash v. (Transitive, UK, chiefly Northern England) To prepare a cup…
  • mash v. (Intransitive, archaic) To act violently.
  • mash v. (Transitive, informal, gaming) To press (a button) rapidly and repeatedly.
  • mash n. (Obsolete) A mesh.
  • mash v. To flirt, to make eyes, to make romantic advances.
  • mash n. (Obsolete) An infatuation, a crush, a fancy.
  • mash n. (Obsolete) A dandy, a masher.
  • mash n. (Obsolete) The object of one’s affections (regardless of sex).
  • mash n. (Countable, MLE, slang) A gun.
  • mash n. Alternative form of maash (“mung bean”).
  • Mash prop.n. A surname.
  • MASH n. Acronym of Mobile Army Surgical Hospital.
14 parole italiane da 22 definizioni straniere

Alternative and dandy flirt intransitive Mobile Obsolete orge reduce slang Sorte The Transitive water

81 parole straniere da 22 definizioni straniere

Acronym act add advances affections Anglicisme animals archaic Army avoine bean bouillie bran brewing bruised button Can chiefly convert Countable crush cup down Élevage England example eyes fancy fed for for␣example form gaming Ground gun hard Hospital infatuation informal ingredients into maash make make␣eyes malt mash Mashed Mashed␣potatoes masher mass meal mesh mess mixed mixture MLE Mostly mung mung␣bean Northern object one potatoes prepare press rapidly reduced regardless regardless␣of repeatedly romantic rye sex soft southern Surgical surname trouble Uncountable violently wheat

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mas MAS

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cash mach maso

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