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La parola manhattan è una parola straniera

13 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • manhattan n.m. Cocktail composé de vermouth et de whisky, additionnés…
  • Manhattan n.prop.m. Quartier de New York.
  • Manhattan n.prop.m. Île qui forme ce quartier.
— In inglese —
  • manhattan n. Alternative spelling of Manhattan (“cocktail”).
  • manhattan n. (Cricket) a bar chart representing the number of runs scored…
  • Manhattan prop.n. An indigenous people of North America who lived in present…
  • Manhattan prop.n. Ellipsis of Borough of Manhattan.; A borough of New…
  • Manhattan prop.n. Ellipsis of Manhattan Island.; An island in New York, United States.
  • Manhattan prop.n. A city, the county seat of Riley County, Kansas, United States.
  • Manhattan n. A cocktail made from whiskey, sweet vermouth and bitters.
— in tedesco —
  • Manhattan S. Insel an der Mündung des Hudson River.
  • Manhattan S. New Yorker Stadtteil auf der gleichnamigen Halbinsel.
— In olandese —
  • Manhattan eig. (Toponiem) een eiland in de staat New York van de Verenigde…
14 parole italiane da 13 definizioni straniere

Alternative America and bar Cricket forme Kansas New New␣York qui spelling the van whisky

59 parole straniere da 13 definizioni straniere

additionnés auf bar␣chart bitters borough chart city cocktail composé county county␣seat der des een eiland Ellipsis et␣de from gleichnamigen Halbinsel Hudson Hudson␣River Île indigenous in␣present Insel island lived lived␣in made Manhattan Mündung New␣Yorker North North␣America number people present quartier representing Riley Riley␣County River runs scored seat staat Stadtteil States sweet Toponiem United United␣States Verenigde vermouth whiskey who York Yorker

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