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La parola lockout è una parola straniera

15 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • lockout n.m. Variante de lock-out.
  • lock-out n.m. (Économie) Entente de patrons, industriels ou commerçants…
— In inglese —
  • lockout n. (Labor) The opposite of a strike; a labor disruption where…
  • lockout n. The action of installing a lock to keep someone out of an…
  • lockout n. (By extension) The exclusion of certain people from a place…
  • lockout n. The restriction of a population to a certain area, but allowing…
  • lockout n. (Computing) A situation where the system is not responding to input.
  • lockout n. A safety device designed to prevent touching a moving part…
  • lockout n. (Weightlifting) The final portion of a weightlifting motion…
  • lockout n. (Weightlifting) An exercise meant to increase strength in…
  • lock-out n. Alternative form of lockout.
  • lock␣out v. To inadvertently prevent (a person, particularly oneself)…
  • lock␣out v. (Computing) To prevent from accessing a data structure.
  • lock␣out n. (Business, economics) An event in which an employer bars…
— In olandese —
  • lock-out n. (Economie) collectieve actie van werkgevers waarbij bedrijven…
10 parole italiane da 15 definizioni straniere

Alternative area Business data Economie input not the van Variante

69 parole straniere da 15 definizioni straniere

accessing actie action allowing bars bedrijven but By␣extension certain commerçants Computing data␣structure designed device disruption economics Économie employer Entente event exclusion exercise extension final form from inadvertently increase industriels installing keep labor lock lock␣out meant meant␣to motion moving moving␣part of␣a of␣an oneself opposite out out␣of part particularly patrons people person place population portion prevent responding restriction safety situation someone strength strike structure system touching waarbij weightlifting werkgevers where which

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