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La parola left è una parola straniera

14 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • left adj. Designating the side of the body toward the west when one…
  • left adj. (Geography) Designating the bank of a river (Etc.) on one’s…
  • left adj. (Politics) Left-wing; pertaining to the political left.
  • left adv. On the left side.
  • left adv. Towards the left side.
  • left adv. Towards the political left.
  • left n. The left side or direction.
  • left n. (Politics) The left-wing political parties as a group; citizens…
  • left n. The left hand or fist.
  • left n. (Boxing) A punch delivered with the left fist.
  • left n. (Surfing) A wave breaking from left to right (viewed from the shore).
  • left v. Simple past tense and past participle of leave (“depart…
  • left v. Simple past tense and past participle of leave (“permit”).
  • Left prop.n. (Politics) The political left wing seen as a whole…
7 parole italiane da 14 definizioni straniere

and body punch Simple Surfing the west

48 parole straniere da 14 definizioni straniere

as␣a␣whole bank Boxing breaking citizens delivered depart Designating direction Etc fist from Geography group hand leave left left␣hand left␣wing of␣a one On␣the participle parties past past␣participle past␣tense permit pertaining political political␣parties Politics right river seen shore side Simple␣past tense to␣the toward Towards viewed wave when whole wing with

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