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La parola kink è una parola straniera

12 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • kink v. To laugh loudly.
  • kink v. To gasp for breath as in a severe fit of coughing.
  • kink n. (Scotland, dialect) A convulsive fit of coughing or laughter;…
  • kink n. A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, hair etc.
  • kink n. A difficulty or flaw that is likely to impede operation…
  • kink n. An unreasonable notion; a crotchet; a whim; a caprice.
  • kink n. (Informal, countable or uncountable) Peculiarity or deviation…
  • kink n. (Mathematics) A positive 1-soliton solution to the Sine–Gordon equation.
  • kink v. (Transitive) To form a kink or twist.
  • kink v. (Intransitive) To be formed into a kink or twist.
— In olandese —
  • kink n. (Scheepvaart) kronkel in een kabel, touw of snoer.
  • kink n. Deuk.
4 parole italiane da 12 definizioni straniere

Intransitive severe the Transitive

58 parole straniere da 12 definizioni straniere

A␣positive as␣in bend breath caprice convulsive coughing countable crotchet curl Deuk deviation dialect difficulty een equation etc fit flaw for form formed gasp Gordon hair impede Informal into kabel kink kronkel laugh laughter length likely loudly material Mathematics notion operation Peculiarity positive Scheepvaart Scotland Sine snoer soliton solution that that␣is thin tight to␣the touw twist uncountable unreasonable whim

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