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La parola injection è una parola straniera

21 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • injection n.f. (Médecine) Action par laquelle on injecte un liquide dans…
  • injection n.f. (Par métonymie) Liquide que l’on injecte.
  • injection n.f. (Anatomie) Action d’injecter divers produit dans un cadavre…
  • injection n.f. (Par analogie) Action d’injecter une matière étrangère…
  • injection n.f. (Mécanique) Dispositif d’alimentation d’un moteur à explosion…
  • injection n.f. (Mathématiques) Application d’un ensemble sur un autre…
  • injection n.f. (Programmation) Envoi d’information (requête, code, courant…
— In inglese —
  • injection n. The act of injecting, or something that is injected.
  • injection n. A specimen prepared by injection.
  • injection n. (Category theory) A morphism from either one of the two components…
  • injection n. (Construction) The act of inserting materials like concrete…
  • injection n. (Figuratively) The supply of additional funding to a person or a business.
  • injection n. (Mathematics) A relation on sets (X,Y) that associates each…
  • injection n. (Computer security) The insertion of program code into an…
  • injection n. (Space science) The act of putting a spacecraft into a particular…
  • injection n. (Set theory) A function that maps distinct x in the domain…
  • injection n. (Medicine) Something injected subcutaneously, intravenously…
  • injection n. (Medicine) Congestion (of a body part, with blood or other…
  • injection n. (Internal combustion engines) Fuel injection: the pressurized…
  • injection n. (Steam engines) The act of throwing cold water into a condenser…
  • injection n. (Steam engines) The cold water thrown into a condenser to produce a vacuum.
14 parole italiane da 21 definizioni straniere

analogie Anatomie body business Computer concrete liquide Medicine par produce Set specimen the water

105 parole straniere da 21 definizioni straniere

act Action additional alimentation Application associates autre blood body␣part cadavre Category Category␣theory code cold combustion combustion␣engines components Computer␣security condenser Congestion Construction courant dans Dispositif distinct divers domain each either engines ensemble Envoi étrangère explosion Figuratively from Fuel Fuel␣injection function funding information injecte injected injecter injecting injection inserting insertion Internal Internal␣combustion into intravenously laquelle like l’on maps materials Mathematics Mathématiques matière Mécanique Médecine métonymie morphism moteur moteur␣à␣explosion of␣a one or␣something other part particular person prepared pressurized produit program Programmation putting que relation requête science security sets Set␣theory something Space spacecraft Space␣science Steam Steam␣engines subcutaneously supply sur that that␣is theory throwing thrown two un␣autre une vacuum with

Una parola in parola (Parola trovato come all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)


Una parola in parola DaS (Parola trovato scritto da destra a sinistra, all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)


Un anagramma meno una lettera (Nuova parola formata con tutte le lettere dalla parola meno una lettera.)


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