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La parola hitch è una parola straniera

16 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • hitch n. A sudden pull.
  • hitch n. Any of various knots used to attach a rope to an object other…
  • hitch n. A fastener or connection point, as for a trailer.
  • hitch n. (Informal) A problem, delay or source of difficulty.
  • hitch n. A hidden or unfavorable condition or element.
  • hitch n. (Military, slang) A period of time spent in the military.
  • hitch n. A large Californian minnow, Lavinia exilicauda.
  • hitch v. (Transitive) To pull with a jerk.
  • hitch v. (Transitive) To attach, tie or fasten.
  • hitch v. (Informal) To marry oneself to; especially to get hitched.
  • hitch v. (Informal, transitive) Clipping of hitchhike, to thumb a ride.
  • hitch v. (Intransitive) To become entangled or caught; to be linked…
  • hitch v. (Intransitive) To move interruptedly or with halts, jerks…
  • hitch v. (Intransitive, UK) To strike the legs together in going…
  • Hitch prop.n. A surname transferred from the given name.
  • Hitch prop.n. (Informal) Alfred Hitchcock.
8 parole italiane da 16 definizioni straniere

connection Intransitive Lavinia ride slang source the transitive

66 parole straniere da 16 definizioni straniere

Alfred Any as␣for attach become Californian caught Clipping condition delay difficulty element entangled especially fasten fastener for from get get␣hitched given given␣name going halts hidden Hitchcock hitched hitchhike Informal interruptedly jerk jerks knots large legs linked marry military minnow move name object oneself other period period␣of␣time point problem pull rope spent strike sudden surname thumb thumb␣a␣ride tie time together trailer transferred unfavorable used used␣to various with

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