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La parola haw è una parola straniera

14 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • haw interj. An imitation of laughter, often used to express scorn…
  • haw interj. An intermission or hesitation of speech, with a sound…
  • haw v. To stop, in speaking, with a sound like haw; to speak with…
  • haw n. Fruit of the hawthorn.
  • haw n. (Historical) A hedge.
  • haw n. (Obsolete) Something that has little value or importance; a whit or jot.
  • haw interj. An instruction for a horse or other animal to turn towards…
  • haw v. (Of an animal) To turn towards the driver, typically to the left.
  • haw v. To cause (an animal) to turn left.
  • haw n. (Countable, anatomy) The third eyelid, or nictitating membrane.
  • haw n. (Uncountable) A disease of the nictitating membrane.
  • Haw prop.n. A topographic and patronymic surname transferred from the given name.
  • Haw prop.n. A river in the US state of North Carolina.
  • Haw. prop.n. (Law) Abbreviation of Hawaii, as used in case citations.
12 parole italiane da 14 definizioni straniere

and Carolina case cause driver Hawaii membrane Obsolete sound state stop the

62 parole straniere da 14 definizioni straniere

Abbreviation anatomy animal case␣citations citations Countable disease express eyelid for from Fruit given given␣name has haw hawthorn hedge hesitation Historical horse imitation importance in␣case instruction intermission jot laughter Law left like little name nictitating nictitating␣membrane North North␣Carolina Of␣an often other patronymic river scorn Something speak speaking speech surname that third topographic to␣the towards transferred turn typically Uncountable used used␣to value whit with

2 suffissi (Nuove parole trovati inserendo una o più lettere alla fine della parola.)

Hawaii hawaiano

Una volta nel mezzo (Nuova parola trovata inserendo lettere di fronte e alla fine della parola.)


4 anagrammi meno una lettera (Nuove parole formate con tutte le lettere dalla parola meno una lettera.)

ah ha wh Wh

2 cugini (Nuove parole trovati cambiando una sola lettera.)

hai HAV

Un lipogramma (Nuova parola trovata eliminando una sola lettera.)


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