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La parola hardwood è una parola straniera

6 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • hardwood n. (Countable, mostly in botany and forestry) The wood from…
  • hardwood n. (Countable) (in more general use) As the preceding, but limited…
  • hardwood n. (Countable, forestry) The tree or tree species that yields the preceding.
  • hardwood n. (Uncountable) A joint term for the commercial timbers, without…
  • hardwood n. (Sports, slang) The sport of basketball, in particular, an…
  • hardwood adj. (Of a floor) Made of interlocking hardwood boards.
5 parole italiane da 6 definizioni straniere

and more slang sport the

33 parole straniere da 6 definizioni straniere

basketball boards botany but commercial Countable floor for forestry from general hardwood in␣particular interlocking joint limited Made Made␣of mostly Of␣a particular preceding species Sports term that timbers tree Uncountable use without wood yields

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