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La parola h è nel Wikizionario

66 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— Parola italiana —
  • h lett. Ottava lettera dell’alfabeto.
— Internazionale —
  • h lett. Ottava lettera dell’alfabeto latino.
  • H simb. Simbolo chimico dell’ idrogeno.
— Parole straniere, definite in italiano —
  • Esperanto
    • h lett. Decima lettera dell’alfabeto dell’esperanto.
    • ĥ lett. Undicesima lettera dell’alfabeto dell’esperanto.
  • Greco antico
    • Η lett. H, η, settima lettera minuscola dell’alfabeto greco antico.
  • Siciliano
    • H lett. Nona lettera dell’alfabeto siciliano.
— Parola italiana, definita in spagnolo —
  • h let. Octava letra y sexta consonante del abecedario italiano. Se llama acca.
— Parole italiane, definite in inglese —
  • h let. The eighth letter of the Italian alphabet, called acca and written in the Latin script.
  • H let. The eighth letter of the Italian alphabet, called acca and written in the Latin script.
— In latino —
  • H n.subs. Littera octa alphabeti Romani, ha dicitur.
— In francese —
  • h let.m. Huitième lettre et sixième consonne de l’alphabet (minuscule).
  • h n.f. Heures, par exemple dans l’écriture de l’heure du jour…
  • H let.m. Huitième lettre et sixième consonne de l’alphabet latin…
  • H let.m. (Sports hippiques) Dans la liste des partants d’une course…
  • H n. (Toxicomanie) Héroïne.
  • H n. (Montréal) (Argot) Haïtien, Haïtienne.
— In spagnolo —
  • h let. Octava letra del alfabeto español y sexta consonante. Su…
  • H let. Octava letra del alfabeto español y sexta consonante. Su…
— In portoghese —
  • h s. Mentira, invenção.
— In inglese —
  • h let. The eighth letter of the English alphabet, called aitch…
  • h num. The ordinal number eighth, derived from this letter of…
  • h interj. (Internet slang) Used as a filler response when one…
  • h n. (Sciences) Abbreviation of hour (particularly when used as…
  • h n. (Baseball, in statistics) Abbreviation of hit, the number…
  • h n. (Slang) Abbreviation of heroin.
  • h n. (Computing) Abbreviation of hexadecimal (following a number).
  • h n. Abbreviation of home phone.
  • h v. (Stenoscript) Abbreviation of have and inflections having, had.
  • h adj. Alternative form of H.
  • H let. The eighth letter of the English alphabet, called aitch…
  • H n. (Baseball) Abbreviation of hits.
  • H n. (Slang) Abbreviation of heroin.
  • H n. (Journalism) Abbreviation of half-year.
  • H n. (Britain) A grade of pencil with lead that makes darker marks…
  • H n. (India, Hinduism, Internet slang) Initialism of Hindu.
  • H adj. (Britain) Abbreviation of hard in reference to a grade of pencil lead.
  • H adj. (Linguistics) Abbreviation of high |in reference to a dialect’s…
  • H adj. (Philately) Abbreviation of hinged.
  • H num. The ordinal number eighth, derived from this letter of…
  • H prop.n. (Religion) A hypothetical source proposed to underlie…
  • H adv. (Calendar terms) Synonym of AH: in the year of the Hegira…
  • H adj. Pornographic in a way characteristic of hentai.
  • h+ n. Alternative form of H+.
  • ^H sym. (Internet slang, usually humorous) Delete that last character.
  • H+ n. Transhumanism.
  • -h- inf. (Rare) Emphasises obscenities.
  • -h- inf. (Dated, fandom slang, humorous) Indicates a fannish context…
— in tedesco —
  • h S. Majuskel: H.
  • h S. Minuskel des 8. Buchstabens des lateinischen Alphabets.
  • h S. 7. Ton der Grund-(C-Dur-)Tonleiter.
  • h S. Einheitenpräfix Hekto (das hundertfache) bei den Einheiten…
  • h S. Stunde.
  • h S. Zeichen für h-Moll.
  • h S. Physik: Formelzeichen für das Plancksche Wirkungsquantum.
  • H S. Achter Buchstabe des lateinischen Alphabets.
  • H S. Tonbezeichnung (IPA: [haː] H (Info)).
  • H S. Tonartbezeichnung (IPA: [ˈhaːˈduɐ̯]).
  • H Abk. Eine Haltestelle.
  • H Abk. Kfz-Kennzeichen, Deutschland: Suffix auf dem Nummernschild…
  • H Abk. Deutsches Kfz-Kennzeichen für die Region Hannover.
  • H Abk. Der Herr bzw. Herren.
  • H Abk. Hilflos (ein Merkzeichen im Schwerbehindertenausweis).
  • H Abk. Militärischer Offiziersdienstgrad Hauptmann in Listen.
— In olandese —
  • h n. (Taalkunde) de achtste letter van het alfabet.
  • H n. (Taalkunde) hoofdletter van de h, de achtste letter van het alfabet.
16 parole italiane da 7 definizioni italiane

alfabeto antico chimico Decima esperanto greco greco␣antico idrogeno latino lettera minuscola Nona Ottava siciliano Simbolo Simbolo␣chimico

26 parole italiane da 59 definizioni straniere

acca alfabeto Alternative and Argot Baseball consonante del die filler half India Info Internet IPA italiano liste par Rare Romani script slang source the Ton van

2 parole straniere da 7 definizioni italiane

alfabeto␣latino dell

177 parole straniere da 59 definizioni straniere

Abbreviation abecedario Achter achtste aitch alfabet alphabet alphabet␣latin Alphabets auf bei Britain Buchstabe Buchstabens bzw. Calendar called character characteristic Computing consonne context course dans darker das Dated Delete dem den der derived des Deutsches Deutschland dialect du␣jour Dur écriture eighth ein Eine Einheiten Emphasises English español exemple fandom fannish following form Formelzeichen from für grade Grund- had Haïtien Haïtienne half-year Haltestelle Hannover hard Hauptmann have having Hegira hentai heroin Héroïne Herr Herren het heure Heures hexadecimal high Hilflos Hindu Hinduism hinged hippiques hit hits h-Moll home home␣phone hoofdletter hour Huitième humorous hundertfache hypothetical in␣a␣way Indicates inflections Initialism in␣reference␣to invenção Italian jour Journalism Kennzeichen Kfz Kfz-Kennzeichen last lateinischen latin Latin␣script lead letra letter lettre Linguistics Listen Littera llama Majuskel makes marks Mentira Militärischer minuscule Minuskel Moll Montréal number Nummernschild obscenities octa Octava Offiziersdienstgrad one ordinal ordinal␣number par␣exemple partants particularly pencil pencil␣lead Philately phone Physik Pornographic proposed reference Region Religion response Sciences sexta sixième Sports Sports␣hippiques statistics Stenoscript Stunde Suffix Synonym Taalkunde terms that this Tonleiter Toxicomanie Transhumanism underlie une used usually way when Wirkungsquantum with written year Zeichen

233 suffissi (Nuove parole trovati inserendo una o più lettere alla fine della parola.)

ha Hb he HF hg hl ho HP hai HAV HBV HCV HDL HDV HIV hot hub hum half hall HDTV hi-fi hobo homo Homo hopi hora host HSPA HTLV HTML Haiti hallo hanno Hanoi hapax harem henry hertz hindi hippy hobby hocco hotel hulok humus huomo hacker hangar Harare +183 parole

27961 volte in mezzo (Nuove parole trovati inserendo lettere di fronte e alla fine della parola.)

che ché chi EHF GHz IHS MHC mhm mho MHz ohm phi rho the thè UHF VHF aghi baht chat chef chic chim chip ch choc echi hn mhmm mmHg oche Ohio rhum Ruhr show thai xché abohm ahimé ahimè Alche alghe anche archi Athos bachi beghe biche bighe buche +27911 parole

93 prefissi (Nuove parole trovati inserendo una o più lettere all'inizio della parola.)

ah eh GH LH oh wh Wh ADH beh boh FSH GWh km-h kwh kWh LDH mgh MSH MWh pOH toh TSH Ba'th cash fiqh goth mach rush Utah batch butch coach crash fetch flash latch loath match patch Perth punch ranch shoah smash fetish hi-tech kippah kitsch scotch sketch +43 parole

15 anagrammi con una lettera aggiuntiva (Nuove parole formate con tutte le lettere dalla parola e una lettera aggiuntiva.)

ah eh GH ha Hb he HF hg hl ho HP LH oh wh Wh

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