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La parola grandslam è una parola straniera

12 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • grand␣slam n. (Bridge) The bid and winning of all the tricks during the play of one hand.
  • grand␣slam n. (Sports) The winning of all available, major or specified…
  • grand␣slam n. (Baseball) The hitting of a home run with the bases loaded.
  • grand␣slam n. (Roller derby) The situation in which the jammer laps the…
  • grand␣slam n. (Motor racing) The situation in which a racer starts from…
  • Grand␣Slam prop.n. (Britain, soccer) winning in each of the three UEFA…
  • Grand␣Slam prop.n. (Tennis) The four biggest competitions of the year…
  • Grand␣Slam prop.n. (Rugby) Victory in every game in the Six Nations competition…
  • Grand␣Slam prop.n. (Rugby) Victory by a Southern Hemisphere national team…
  • Grand␣Slam prop.n. (Golf) The four (or five) biggest competitions of the…
  • Grand␣Slam prop.n. (Military) A ten-tonne earthquake bomb used by the Royal…
  • Grand␣Slam prop.n. (Philippines, basketball) winning in each of the three…
12 parole italiane da 12 definizioni straniere

and Baseball Bridge derby game Golf play Rugby soccer team Tennis the

63 parole straniere da 12 definizioni straniere

all available bases bases␣loaded basketball bid biggest bomb Britain competition competitions during each earthquake earthquake␣bomb every five four from hand Hemisphere hitting home home␣run jammer laps loaded major Military Motor Motor␣racing national Nations of␣a of␣all one Philippines racer racing Roller Roller␣derby Royal run run␣with situation Six Six␣Nations Southern Southern␣Hemisphere specified Sports starts ten three tonne tricks UEFA used Victory which winning with year

7 parole in parola (Parole trovati come all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)

and DSL gran rand Sla SLA slam

2 parole in parola DaS (Parole trovanoro scritto da destra a sinistra, all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)


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