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La parola glazing è una parola straniera

7 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • glazing v. Present participle of glaze.
  • glazing n. (Gerund) The act or process of glazing or an instance thereof.
  • glazing n. The material used in such act or process; glaze.
  • glazing n. The part of a window or wall made of glass or another transparent material.
  • glazing n. (Architecture) All the windows of a building.
  • glazing n. The art of covering with a vitreous substance.
  • glazing n. (Art) Semi-transparent colours painted thinly over others…
2 parole italiane da 7 definizioni straniere

Semi the

37 parole straniere da 7 definizioni straniere

act All another Architecture art building colours covering Gerund glass glaze glazing instance made made␣of material of␣a others over painted part participle Present Present␣participle process Semi-transparent substance such thereof thinly transparent used vitreous wall window windows with

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