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La parola fix è una parola straniera

32 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • fix n.m. (Familier) Dose de drogue, généralement injectée par intraveineuse.
— In inglese —
  • fix v. (Transitive, obsolete) To pierce; now generally replaced by transfix.
  • fix v. (Transitive) To attach; to affix; to hold in place or at a particular time.
  • fix v. (Transitive) To mend, to repair.
  • fix v. (Transitive, informal) To prepare (food or drink).
  • fix v. (Transitive) To make (a contest, vote, or gamble) unfair;…
  • fix v. (Transitive, US, informal) To surgically render an animal…
  • fix v. (Transitive, mathematics, semantics) To map a (point or subset) to itself.
  • fix v. (Transitive, informal) To take revenge on, to best; to serve…
  • fix v. (Transitive) To render (a photographic impression) permanent…
  • fix v. (Transitive, chemistry, biology) To convert into a stable…
  • fix v. (Intransitive) To become fixed; to settle or remain permanently;…
  • fix v. (Intransitive) To become firm, so as to resist volatilization;…
  • fix n. A repair or corrective action.
  • fix n. A difficult situation; a quandary or dilemma; a predicament.
  • fix n. (Informal) A single dose of an addictive drug administered to a drug user.
  • fix n. A prearrangement of the outcome of a supposedly competitive…
  • fix n. A determination of location.
  • fix n. (US) fettlings (mixture used to line a furnace).
  • Fix prop.n. A surname.
  • FIX n. Abbreviation of factor IX. (clotting factor IX)
  • -fix suff. (Grammar) Forming nouns denoting a morpheme used in word…
  • -fix suff. (Chiefly grammar) Forming verbs denoting fastening or…
— in tedesco —
  • fix Adj. Starr, unveränderlich.
  • fix Adj. Umgangssprachlich: flink, schnell; auf schnelle Art und Weise.
  • fix V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs fixen.
  • Fix S. Einspritzen einer Droge.
  • Fix S. EDV, kurz für Bugfix: Programm zur Reparatur eines Fehlers…
— In olandese —
  • fix n. (Informeel) injectie waarbij harddrugs in de ader worden gespoten.
  • fix w. Eerste persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van fixen.
  • fix w. Gebiedende wijs van fixen.
  • fix w. (Bij inversie) tweede persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van fixen.
14 parole italiane da 32 definizioni straniere

competitive dilemma dose drink food Intransitive location obsolete par serve single the Transitive van

143 parole straniere da 32 definizioni straniere

Abbreviation action addictive ader administered affix Aktiv animal Art Art␣und␣Weise as␣to attach auf become best Bij biology Bugfix chemistry Chiefly clotting clotting␣factor contest convert corrective denoting des determination difficult Droge drogue drug EDV Eerste Eerste␣persoon einer eines enkelvoud factor Familier fastening Fehlers fettlings firm fixed fixen flink Forming für furnace gamble Gebiedende Gebiedende␣wijs généralement generally grammar harddrugs hold hold␣in Imperativ impression informal Informeel injectée injectie in␣place into intraveineuse inversie itself kurz line make map mathematics mend mixture morpheme nouns now of␣a of␣an outcome particular permanent permanently Person persoon photographic pierce place point Präsens prearrangement predicament prepare Programm quandary remain render repair Reparatur replaced resist revenge schnell schnelle semantics settle Singular situation so␣as so␣as␣to stable Starr subset supposedly surgically surname take take␣revenge tegenwoordige␣tijd tijd time transfix tweede tweede␣persoon Umgangssprachlich und unfair unveränderlich used used␣to user verbs volatilization vote waarbij Weise wijs word worden zur

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