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La parola fit è nel Wikizionario

47 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— Parola italiana —
  • FIT acro. Federazione Italiana Trasporti.
— In francese —
  • fit adj. (Anglicisme) En bonne santé, en pleine forme.
  • fit adj. Qui est dans un état second après la consommation de cannabis.
  • fit n.m. (Bridge) (Anglicisme) Couleur commune détenue par deux partenaires.
  • fit v. Troisième personne du singulier de l’indicatif passé simple de faire.
  • fît v. Troisième personne du singulier de l’imparfait du subjonctif…
— In inglese —
  • fit adj. Suitable, proper.
  • fit adj. Adapted to a purpose or environment.
  • fit adj. In good shape; physically well.
  • fit adj. (Britain, informal, chiefly slang) Sexually attractive;…
  • fit adj. Prepared; ready.
  • fit v. (Transitive) To be suitable for.
  • fit v. (Intransitive) To have sufficient space available at some…
  • fit v. (Transitive) To conform to in size and shape.
  • fit v. (Intransitive) To be of the right size and shape.
  • fit v. (Transitive, with to) To make conform in size and shape.
  • fit v. (Transitive) To be in agreement with.
  • fit v. (Transitive) To adjust.
  • fit v. (Transitive) To attach, especially when requiring exact positioning…
  • fit v. (Transitive) To equip or supply.
  • fit v. (Transitive) To make ready.
  • fit v. (Intransitive, archaic) To be seemly.
  • fit v. To be proper or becoming.
  • fit v. (Intransitive) To be in harmony.
  • fit n. The degree to which something fits.
  • fit n. Conformity of elements one to another.
  • fit n. The part of an object upon which anything fits tightly.
  • fit n. (Advertising) Measure of how well a particular commercial…
  • fit n. (Statistics) Goodness of fit.
  • fit n. (Bridge) The quality of a partnership’s combined holding…
  • fit n. (Archaic) A section of a poem or ballad.
  • fit n. A seizure or convulsion.
  • fit n. (Medicine) A sudden and vigorous appearance of a symptom…
  • fit n. A sudden outburst of emotion.
  • fit n. A sudden burst (of an activity).
  • fit v. (Intransitive, medicine) To suffer a fit.
  • fit v. (AAVE, Southern US, dated) simple past tense and past participle…
  • fit n. (Informal) An outfit, a set of clothing.
  • FiT n. Initialism of feed-in tariff.
  • FIT n. (Countable) Initialism of feed-in tariff.
  • FIT n. (Uncountable, aviation, travel industry) Initialism of fully…
  • FIT n. (Uncountable, aviation, travel industry) Initialism of fully…
— in tedesco —
  • fit Adj. In guter gesundheitlicher, sportlicher, physischer, psychischer…
  • F.␣i.␣T. Abk. Abkürzung für Fett in der Trockenmasse.
— In olandese —
  • fit bijv. In goede lichamelijke conditie.
  • fit n. (Techniek) meethaak met een vaste en een verschuifbare tong, fithaak.
  • fit w. Enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van fitten #gebiedende wijs van fitten.
3 parole italiane dalla definizione italiana

Federazione Italiana Trasporti

19 parole italiane da 46 definizioni straniere

Advertising and Bridge cannabis commune est forme holding Intransitive medicine par Qui set simple slang the Transitive van vaste

150 parole straniere da 46 definizioni straniere

AAVE Abkürzung activity Adapted adjust agreement Anglicisme another anything appearance après archaic attach attractive available aviation ballad becoming bonne Britain burst chiefly clothing combined commercial conditie conform Conformity consommation convulsion Couleur Countable dans dated degree der détenue deux een elements emotion Enkelvoud environment equip especially état état␣second exact faire feed feed-in Fett fit fits fitten for fully für gebiedende gebiedende␣wijs gesundheitlicher goede good Goodness guter harmony have how imparfait imparfait␣du␣subjonctif in␣agreement indicatif industry informal Initialism make Measure met object of␣a of␣an one outburst outfit part partenaires participle particular partnership passé passé␣simple past past␣participle past␣tense personne physically physischer pleine poem positioning Prepared proper psychischer purpose quality ready requiring right santé second section seemly seizure Sexually shape simple␣past singulier size some something Southern space sportlicher Statistics subjonctif sudden suffer sufficient suitable supply symptom tariff Techniek tegenwoordige␣tijd tense The␣quality tightly tijd tong travel Troisième Troisième␣personne Uncountable upon vigorous well when which wijs with

39 suffissi (Nuove parole trovati inserendo una o più lettere alla fine della parola.)

-fito fitta fitte fitti fitto FIT-CISL fittile fittizi fittone fitocida fittizia fittizie fittizio fitopatia fitormone fittabili fitocenosi fittamente fitochimica fitofarmaco fitosterolo fitoterapia fitoterapie fitotossico fitofarmacia fitoterapico fitocomplesso fitogeografia fitopatologia fitosanitario fitovigilanza fittiziamente Fitoflagellati fitopatologica fitopatologici fitopatologico fitosociologia fitodepurazioni fitopatologiche

613 volte in mezzo (Nuove parole trovati inserendo lettere di fronte e alla fine della parola.)

sfitta sfitti sfitto sfit affitta affitti affitto affit fosfiti fosfito grafita grafite grafiti grafito grafitò infit muffita muffite muffiti muffito neofita neofite neofiti rifitta rifitte rifitti rifitto sfittai solfita solfiti solfito solfitò affittai confitta confitte confitti confitto endofita graffita graffite graffiti graffito grafitai infittii mefitica mefitici mefitico mefitino profitta profitti +563 parole

Un prefisso (Nuova parola trovata inserendo una o più lettere alla all'inizio della parola.)


9 anagrammi con una lettera aggiuntiva (Nuove parole formate con tutte le lettere dalla parola e una lettera aggiuntiva.)

feti FIAT -fito lift tifa tifi tifo tifò ZIFT

Un anagramma meno una lettera (Nuova parola formata con tutte le lettere dalla parola meno una lettera.)


5 cugini (Nuove parole trovati cambiando una sola lettera.)

bit FET fin fio nit

Una epentesi (Nuova parola trovata inserendo una sola lettera.)


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  • Visita - la parola FIT non è una parola scrabble valido.

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