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La parola firstclass è una parola straniera

9 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • first␣class adj. Belonging to the best or top group in a system of classification.
  • first␣class adj. Of, or relating to the most luxurious and expensive class…
  • first␣class adj. Of, or relating to a class of mail to be delivered before second class.
  • first␣class adj. (UK, India) Great, very enjoyable.
  • first␣class adj. (Cricket) Of, or relating to a first class match.
  • first␣class adj. (Programming) Of, or relating to a treatment like that…
  • first␣class n. (A status, section, etc which is of) premier rank.
  • first␣class n. (Ireland) the third year of primary school, following after…
  • first␣class n. (US) One of two classes of city government in the U.S. state…
9 parole italiane da 9 definizioni straniere

and Cricket India match premier state status the top

44 parole straniere da 9 definizioni straniere

after before Belonging best city class classes classification delivered enjoyable etc expensive first first␣class first␣class␣match following government Great group Ireland like like␣that luxurious mail most One primary primary␣school Programming rank relating school second second␣class section system that third to␣the treatment two very which year

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