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La parola fill è una parola straniera

20 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • fill v. (Transitive) To occupy fully, to take up all of.
  • fill v. (Transitive) To add contents to (a container, cavity, or…
  • fill v. To enter (something), making it full.
  • fill v. (Intransitive) To become full.
  • fill v. (Intransitive) To become pervaded with something.
  • fill v. (Transitive) To satisfy or obey (an order, request, or requirement).
  • fill v. (Transitive) To install someone, or be installed, in (a position…
  • fill v. (Transitive) To treat (a tooth) by adding a dental filling to it.
  • fill v. (Transitive) To fill or supply fully with food; to feed; to satisfy.
  • fill v. (Transitive, nautical) To trim (a yard) so that the wind…
  • fill v. (Transitive, slang, vulgar, of a male) To have sexual intercourse…
  • fill n. (After a possessive) A sufficient or more than sufficient amount.
  • fill n. An amount that fills a container.
  • fill n. The filling of a container or area.
  • fill n. Inexpensive material used to occupy empty spaces, especially…
  • fill n. (Archaeology) Soil and/or human-created debris discovered…
  • fill n. An embankment, as in railroad construction, to fill a hollow…
  • fill n. (Music) A short passage, riff, or rhythmic sound that helps…
  • fill n. One of the thills or shafts of a carriage.
  • Fill prop.n. A surname transferred from the given name.
14 parole italiane da 20 definizioni straniere

and area container food full Intransitive male more riff slang sound the Transitive yard

85 parole straniere da 20 definizioni straniere

add adding After all all␣of amount and/or Archaeology as␣in become carriage cavity construction contents created debris dental discovered embankment empty empty␣spaces enter especially feed fill filling fills from fully given given␣name have helps hollow human Inexpensive install installed intercourse making making␣it material Music name nautical obey occupy of␣a One order passage pervaded position possessive railroad request requirement rhythmic satisfy sexual sexual␣intercourse shafts short Soil someone something so␣that spaces sufficient supply surname take take␣up than that thills tooth transferred treat trim used used␣to vulgar wind with

10 suffissi (Nuove parole trovati inserendo una o più lettere alla fine della parola.)

-fillo fillo- filler filloderma filloscopo Filloscopo fillostomide Fillostomidi fillosilicato Fillostomatidi

7 volte in mezzo (Nuove parole trovati inserendo lettere di fronte e alla fine della parola.)

Rufilla Ruffilla clorofilla sporofillo teofillina aminofillina clorofilliano

5 anagrammi con una lettera aggiuntiva (Nuove parole formate con tutte le lettere dalla parola e una lettera aggiuntiva.)

falli fallì -fillo fillo- folli

9 cugini (Nuove parole trovati cambiando una sola lettera.)

fila file fili film filo filò -filo filo- full

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