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La parola fight è una parola straniera

19 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • fight v. Se battre.
— In inglese —
  • fight v. (Intransitive) To contend in physical conflict, either singly…
  • fight v. (Reciprocal) To contend in physical conflict with each other…
  • fight v. (Intransitive) To strive for something; to campaign or contend for success.
  • fight v. (Transitive) To conduct or engage in (Battle, warfare etc.).
  • fight v. (Transitive) To engage in combat with; to oppose physically…
  • fight v. (Transitive) To try to overpower; to fiercely counteract.
  • fight v. (Transitive, archaic) To cause to fight; to manage or manoeuvre in a fight.
  • fight v. (Intransitive) Of colours or other design elements: to clash;…
  • fight n. An occasion of fighting.
  • fight n. (Archaic) A battle between opposing armies.
  • fight n. A physical confrontation or combat between two or more people or groups.
  • fight n. (Sports) A boxing or martial arts match.
  • fight n. A conflict, possibly nonphysical, with opposing ideas or forces; strife.
  • fight n. (Uncountable) The will or ability to fight.
  • fight n. (Obsolete) A screen for the combatants in ships; an arming.
— in tedesco —
  • fight V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs fighten.
  • Fight S. Erbittert ausgetragener Kampf.
  • Fight S. Sport: Boxkampf.
10 parole italiane da 19 definizioni straniere

cause design Intransitive match more Obsolete oppose Sport the Transitive

73 parole straniere da 19 definizioni straniere

ability Aktiv archaic armies arming arts ausgetragener battle battre between boxing Boxkampf campaign clash colours combat combatants conduct conflict confrontation contend counteract des each each␣other either elements engage Erbittert etc fiercely fight fighten fighting for forces groups ideas Imperativ Kampf manage manoeuvre martial martial␣arts nonphysical occasion opposing other overpower people Person physical physically possibly Präsens Reciprocal screen Se␣battre ships singly Singular something Sports strife strive success try two Uncountable Verbs warfare will with

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