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La parola duster è una parola straniera

17 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In inglese —
  • duster n. An object, now especially a cloth, used for dusting surfaces etc.
  • duster n. Someone who dusts.
  • duster n. A loose-fitting long coat.
  • duster n. (Paper-making) A revolving wire-cloth cylinder which removes…
  • duster n. (Milling) A blowing-machine for separating the flour from the bran.
  • duster n. (Oil and gas) A dry drill hole, one that does not produce oil or gas.
  • duster n. (Military, informal) A vehicle-mounted, multi-barrelled, anti-aircraft gun.
  • duster n. (Philippines) A type of loose dress worn at home as well…
  • duster n. (Education) A block of felt strips, shaped ergonomically…
  • duster n. (Baseball) A high pitch toward the batter.
— in tedesco —
  • duster Adj. Dunkel.
  • duster Adj. Unfreundlich.
  • düster Adj. Schlecht beleuchtet, von wenig Licht erhellt.
  • düster Adj. Schwer einzuschätzen, aber unheimlich bis bedrohlich gedeutet.
  • düster Adj. Voller negativer, schlimmer Gedanken/Befürchtungen.
  • düster Adj. Schwer einzuschätzen und deshalb undeutlich.
— In olandese —
  • duster n. (Kleding) ochtendjas voor vrouwen.
10 parole italiane da 17 definizioni straniere

and Baseball bis drill dry gas multi not produce the

90 parole straniere da 17 definizioni straniere

aber aircraft anti anti-aircraft as␣well at␣home barrelled batter bedrohlich Befürchtungen beleuchtet block blowing bran cloth coat cylinder deshalb does dress Dunkel dusting dusts Education einzuschätzen ergonomically erhellt especially etc felt fitting flour for from Gedanken gedeutet gun high hole home informal Kleding Licht long loose loose-fitting machine making Military Milling mounted negativer now object ochtendjas oil one Paper Philippines pitch removes revolving Schlecht schlimmer Schwer separating shaped Someone strips surfaces that toward type und undeutlich Unfreundlich unheimlich used vehicle Voller von voor vrouwen well wenig which who wire wire␣cloth worn

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