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La parola dry è nel Wikizionario

34 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— Parola italiana —
  • dry agg. (Enologia) (forestierismo) secco, riferito principalmente a vini, spumanti, o liquori.
— In francese —
  • dry adj. Sec.
  • dry n.m. Désigne un apéritif.
  • Dry n.prop. (Géographie) Commune française, située dans le département…
— In portoghese —
  • dry adj. (Estrangeirismo) ver seco.
— In inglese —
  • dry adj. Free from or lacking moisture.
  • dry adj. Unable to produce a liquid, as water, (petrochemistry)…
  • dry adj. (Masonry) Built without or lacking mortar.
  • dry adj. (Chemistry) Anhydrous: free from or lacking water in any…
  • dry adj. (Figurative) Athirst, eager.
  • dry adj. Free from or lacking alcohol or alcoholic beverages.
  • dry adj. (Law) Describing an area where sales of alcoholic or strong…
  • dry adj. Free from or lacking embellishment or sweetness, particularly…
  • dry adj. (Aviation) Not using afterburners or water injection for…
  • dry adj. (Sciences, somewhat derogatory) Involving computations…
  • dry adj. (Of a sound recording) Free from applied audio effects…
  • dry adj. Without a usual complement or consummation; impotent.
  • dry adj. (Christianity) Of a mass, service, or rite: involving neither…
  • dry n. The process by which something is dried.
  • dry n. (US) A prohibitionist (of alcoholic beverages).
  • dry n. An area with little or no rain, or sheltered from it.
  • dry n. (Chiefly Australia, with "the") The dry season.
  • dry n. (Australia) An area of waterless country.
  • dry n. Unsweetened ginger ale; dry ginger.
  • dry n. (Britain, UK politics) A radical or hard-line Conservative;…
  • dry v. (Intransitive) To lose moisture.
  • dry v. (Transitive) To remove moisture from.
  • dry v. (Transitive, figurative) To exhaust; to cause to run dry.
  • dry v. (Intransitive, informal) For an actor to forget his or her…
  • Dry prop.n. A surname.
  • DRY phr. (Software engineering) Acronym of don’t repeat yourself…
  • DRY adj. (Software engineering) Of code, having the quality of adhering…
  • DRY v. (Software engineering) To cause code to become DRY; to remove…
— In olandese —
  • dry bijv. Droog, niet zoet.
6 parole italiane dalla definizione italiana

Enologia forestierismo principalmente riferito secco vini

21 parole italiane da 33 definizioni straniere

area audio Australia cause Commune Conservative country don dry engineering free ginger Intransitive Not produce seco Software sound the Transitive water

109 parole straniere da 33 definizioni straniere

Acronym actor adhering afterburners alcohol alcoholic ale Anhydrous any apéritif applied Athirst Aviation become beverages Britain Built Chemistry Chiefly Christianity code complement computations consummation dans département derogatory Describing Désigne dried Droog DRY dry␣season eager effects embellishment Estrangeirismo exhaust figurative for forget française from Géographie ginger␣ale hard hard␣line having her his impotent informal injection involving lacking Law line liquid little lose Masonry mass moisture mortar neither niet Of␣a particularly petrochemistry politics process prohibitionist quality radical rain recording remove repeat rite run run␣dry sales Sciences season Sec service sheltered située Software␣engineering something somewhat strong surname sweetness the␣quality Unable Unsweetened using usual ver water␣in water␣injection waterless where which with without yourself zoet

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