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La parola cloud è nel Wikizionario

29 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— Parola italiana —
  • cloud s. (Forestierismo) insieme di risorse hardware e software di un utente di rete, contenute in strumenti…
— In francese —
  • cloud n.m. (Par ellipse) (Anglicisme informatique) (Internet) Cloud…
  • cloud n.m. (Anglicisme informatique) (Internet) Nuage particulier.
  • Cloud n.prop. Autre nom sous lequel est connu Clodoald, petit-fils de Clovis.
— In inglese —
  • cloud n. (Obsolete) A rock; boulder; a hill.
  • cloud n. A visible mass of water droplets suspended in the air.
  • cloud n. Any mass of dust, steam or smoke resembling such a mass.
  • cloud n. Anything which makes things foggy or gloomy.
  • cloud n. (Figurative) Anything unsubstantial.
  • cloud n. A dark spot on a lighter material or background.
  • cloud n. A group or swarm, especially suspended above the ground or flying.
  • cloud n. An elliptical shape or symbol whose outline is a series of…
  • cloud n. A telecom network (from their representation in engineering drawings).
  • cloud n. (Computing, with "the") The Internet, regarded as an abstract…
  • cloud n. (Figuratively) A negative or foreboding aspect of something…
  • cloud n. (Slang) Crystal methamphetamine.
  • cloud n. A large, loosely-knitted headscarf worn by women.
  • cloud v. (Intransitive) To become foggy or gloomy, or obscured from sight.
  • cloud v. (Transitive) To overspread or hide with a cloud or clouds.
  • cloud v. Of the breath, to become cloud; to turn into mist.
  • cloud v. (Transitive) To make obscure.
  • cloud v. (Transitive) To make less acute or perceptive.
  • cloud v. (Transitive) To make gloomy or sullen.
  • cloud v. (Transitive) To blacken; to sully; to stain; to tarnish (reputation…
  • cloud v. (Transitive) To mark with, or darken in, veins or sports;…
  • cloud v. (Intransitive) To become marked, darkened or variegated in this way.
  • Cloud prop.n. A surname.
— in tedesco —
  • Cloud S. EDV: Bereich in einem speziellen, auf mehreren Rechnern/Servern…
— In olandese —
  • cloud n. (Informatica) computernetwerk waarbij allerlei gegevens op…
9 parole italiane dalla definizione italiana

contenute Forestierismo hardware insieme rete risorse software strumenti utente

22 parole italiane da 28 definizioni straniere

abstract acute background cloud dark engineering est Informatica Internet Intransitive negative network Obsolete Par rock Slang spot telecom the Transitive visible water

115 parole straniere da 28 definizioni straniere

above air allerlei A␣negative Anglicisme Any Anything aspect auf Autre become Bereich blacken boulder breath Clodoald clouds Clovis computernetwerk Computing connu Crystal darken darkened drawings droplets dust EDV einem ellipse elliptical especially Figurative Figuratively fils flying foggy foreboding from gegevens gloomy ground group headscarf hide hill informatique in␣the␣air into knitted large lequel less lighter loosely make makes mark marked mass material mehreren methamphetamine mist nom Nuage obscure obscured outline overspread particulier perceptive petit petit-fils Rechnern regarded representation reputation resembling series Servern shape sight smoke something sous speziellen sports spot␣on stain steam such sullen sully surname suspended swarm symbol tarnish their things this this␣way turn turn␣into unsubstantial variegated veins waarbij way which whose with women worn

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lucido luci ludico

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culo ludo

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