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La parola century è una parola straniera

13 brevi estratti dal Wikizionario (Il dizionario multilingue libero, in stile wiki!)

— In francese —
  • century n.m. (Cricket) Score individuel supérieur à cent runs atteint…
— In inglese —
  • century n. A period of 100 consecutive years; often specifically a numbered…
  • century n. A unit in ancient Roman army, originally of 100 army soldiers…
  • century n. A political division of ancient Rome, meeting in the Centuriate Assembly.
  • century n. A hundred things of the same kind; a hundred.
  • century n. (Cricket) A hundred runs scored either by a single player…
  • century n. (Snooker) A score of one hundred points.
  • century n. (Sports) A race a hundred units (as meters, kilometres, miles) in length.
  • century n. (US, informal) A banknote in the denomination of one hundred dollars.
  • Century prop.n. A surname.
— In olandese —
  • century n. (Sport) (cricket) het maken van minstens honderd runs.
  • century n. (Sport) (snooker) honderd door één speler achter elkaar gescoorde punten.
  • century n. Periode van honderd jaar.
10 parole italiane da 13 definizioni straniere

Assembly cent consecutive cricket meeting score single Sport the van

56 parole straniere da 13 definizioni straniere

achter ancient ancient␣Roman army atteint banknote Centuriate denomination division dollars door één either elkaar het honderd hundred individuel informal jaar kilometres kind length maken meters miles minstens numbered often one one␣hundred originally period Periode player points political punten race Roman Rome runs same scored snooker soldiers specifically speler Sports supérieur surname the␣same things unit units years

2 parole in parola (Parole trovati come all'interno della parola. Dimensione minima 3 lettere.)

cent TUR

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